Hello Dimple,
Are you associated with automotive manufacturing industries?
Originally posted by AlbertaAspirants
Hello Dimple,
Are you associated with automotive manufacturing industries?
Originally posted by Trj
i read many threads in here about the "canadian experience" that employers want. i wanted to ask whether studying in a canadian university is considered "canadian experience" or not?? is it easy to get job after graduating from universities like York University and U of Toronto.??? or do employers still create a fuss about "canadian experience"???
People cannot use the term canadain experance as its classed as dicrmination.
If your post above accurately reflects your communication skills, I wouldn't give you a job, no matter how much Canadian experience you had.
Anyway, I think the reason why the issue of 'Canadian experience' comes up so often in the Canadian market is that the market here is significantly smaller than the US or not as 'hot' as the market is in India. In India, nowadays you hear of every tom dick and harry getting a job in IT with minimal qualifications. Similarly the market in the US is still better than what it is in Canada. The market here is much smaller and employers have somehow developed this mindset to look for matches more closely and are more apt to reject 'unknowns'. I certainly don't rule out some bias but I think the market sort of leads to re-enforcement of such a bias because they can afford to.
And also due to the immigration system, the kind of people entering Canada I believe from a skill-level are not really pre-screened by the market, whereas most IT people entering the US are coming there via interviews and H-1s(thus being brought their by their employers), whereas in Canada people are coming on their own, so the employers don't really know what they are getting. I think this makes a huge difference.
Most of the times one doesn't get called for an interview in Canada if you have shown experience in your home country.
This after getting your resume approved by various agencies & upgraded to "so called Canadian standards".
How does one get to show the soft skills in such cases?
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