Dear CD'S
My brother-in-law is coming to Caanda in dec for his master in University of Lakehead in Thunderbay. Do you know anyone for place to stay like paying guest, rooom for rent or sharing a room. Any info, advice or lead would be appricated.
Tunderbay is little remote place. There are very few desis living there. On this board I remember seeing few members from that part.
Instead of being lazy, why not search this site for Thunder Bay?
As you will see - in the profiles section there are few people have location as Thunder Bay. Contact them.
A Proud Indian Canadian
Your search somehow excluded the greatest thunder bay resident on CD board and the most active thunder bay resident on CD - "ThunderDesi".
A PM / E_mail to him may yeild some result to the OP. ThunderDesi is an IT person.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Thanks TK. TunderDesi should not have Thunder Bay as his/her location and so the machine does not understand it
If I have searched on Thunder like this:
I should have got it.
A Proud Indian Canadian
Garvo Gujarat
Niraj patel here from Mississauga.
can you please tell me how far Yosemite Valley is from Toronto. As its in US it should be far away from here.....but still.
i am lookin for place where i can spend 5days during christmas vacation with family.
you can email me on -
Sorry guys, I got a job in Burlington and moved to GTA, I have been busy with my new job.
Thunder Bay - I haven't lived in the city but near the city. This is what I know:
weather - harsh winters
predominently white population - only about 40-50 desi families live there. No Indian grocery store although there is real Canadian super store that has some Indian stuff
not a lot of economic activity except forestry and mining and a few provincial departments
The economy hasn't grown over the years - the population remained stagnant over the past 25 years while cities in Southern Ontario, have seen a steady increase in population and economy.
India Canada Bhai-Bhai
My niece is coming to Thunder bay on 26th Aug 2018 to join the Lakehead university.
Can anyone offer an apartment (will live in group of 2-4 depending on room size) on rental near university or paying guest?
1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment is preferred.
Please contact on
Chintan from Toronto
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