I applied for Citizenship in July 2005 through Scarborough office and appeared for test in June 2006. I received residency questioner in August and submitted all required documents within a month, now it has been past 3 months and no news. All together it has been over a year and half since I have applied.
Every time I call CIC Call Center they tell me in “Process” and get no other answer. Is there any other way to find out exactly why it is taking so long?
I appreciate your reply.
Thank you.
Sit tight and pray. There is nothing much you can do, besides that
you are through with everything and just waiting... what is the rush anyways..
r u plannign to move out of Canada...
think of all those people who will have to go through years of waiting to get to the stage you are at..
anyways... if the idea is to leave and go to the US or somewhere else..
just go...
come back for the oath and you can apply for the passport on the same day if you have all the papers ready..
your passport will be delivered to the address you specify..
easy ain't it??
Thank you for your good advice, But I think that is exactly what I have been doing!!!!! And by the way I am here to stay!!!!!!
I just wish to know if this unusally long wait has any kind of different proceedings at their end.
Atleast you applied only in Jun'05. I hv been waiting since Jun'04!! I gave the citizenship test in Aug'06 and still waiting..the last time I called, I was told to wait till Jun'07.
Meanwhile, as a PR, I sponsored my wife in Dec'02 and she came here in Apr'03. She applied for her citizenship in May'06 and became a citizen in Feb'07
Did you have to go through finger printing?
Good luck to you anyways!!
Last when I called CIC Call Center I was told that I am in queue to see citizenship judge, this could take 15 to 18 months in normal cases or more. This is normal time line these days in Ontario and in some office like in Quebec and BC the wait is about 2 to 3 years to see citizenship judge.
Well you can do nothing but wait and wait…………..
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