Hi, I'm Kunal from New Delhi. I stumbled onto this website by mistake and now visit it quite frequently since I myself am considering an undergraduate education in Canada. I am 18 years old and interested in pursuing a mechanical engineering degree. I have already applied to 3 canadian universities - UToronto, UBC, McGill and 3 in america - UT Austin, Washington State and Cooper Union.
I am in dilemmna as to which I should choose US or Canada. Canada is a lot cheaper and hence more cost effective. However I had heard from a few friends that getting a job after graduating in Canada is next to impossible...and reading a few posts on this website has had a negative impact on me. So my question goes out to all the Indians living in Canada...is it worth it coming to Canada for an education ? Since I am only 18 I donnot have the sort of worries that a lot of people whose posts I have read here have...like moving with family and all...I am interested in coming for an education and hopefully to graduate with a job so that I could atleast make a part of what I may spend on my education....any replies would be highly appreciated...
Depends on many factors. Do you want to migrate here? What degree? What are your many reasons to come here?
- US universities are better recognized
- Gettting immigration in Canada is easier hence better in Canadian univ.
- getting a job is difficult these days (in Canada and USA), but by the time you graduate things may have changed. Maybe things will improve or then all jobs will be in ASIA Get a good education, think about a job later.
- Lifestyle is the same more or less across North America. canada is colder and some parts of USA. Canada I still believe treats immigrants a little better.
Also think about University of Waterloo, one of the better Engg. univs in canada.
Simple answer
Go to Canada - get decent education - pay less for studies - graduate - get decent paying job - have citizenship within 4/5 years of landing here
Go to USA - get good education - pay lot for studies - graduate - if lucky get a good job - get an H1 Visa, but never know when you will get a green card and keep fingers crossed.
http://www.southasiancircle.com" target="_blank">www.SouthAsianCircle.com
Knowing the US education system, I will recommend undergraduate from US University.
Better perception
If you come to US on F-1 you get one year of Practical Training stay after the graduation. Time can be used to find a job. And then go on to H-1.
Majority of International Students work on campus in different odd jobs while studying in US (I did). This allows you to adapt and mingle with mainstream. Brings more confidence as you are able to handle different adverse situation and dealing with all sorts of people. Also you learn to compromise in your life, less idealist, and some changes ;-) which your friends and family in India may not like.
The cost of living at UT Austin (The one I know well) will be approximately same or may be little less than UToronto and UBC.
Don't be misled - Canada is not inexpensive when you earn and spend in Canadian Dollar. US Southern States are usually less inexpensive to live than East and West Coast of US, upper midwest and Toronto and Vancouver in Canada.
Why are you chosing Mechanical Engineering? If you plan to live in North America, I will recommend you to look beyond Engineering and Medical, and consider management, finance, biotech, chemistry and other non-mainstream (in India) majors.
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your reply. Did you do you undergrad at UT Austin ?
If so, then how is the place and university ?
Do you know what is the approximate cost of attendance of UToronto
- their website claims its around 25,000 CD $.....I was preferring UofT
over UT Austin since the former is in a big city and hence more career oppoturnities. Since you seem to have been both in America as well as Canada which is better in terms of growth oppoturnities (career as well as social) for indian immigrants ?
No, I didn't do undergrad at UT Austin. I was up I-35 in OU. I have quite a few friends who did undergrad at UT. The value of degree from UT is much higher than UToronto.
The career opportunities may be better at UT than UToronto because it is one of the best Univ in TX and US for undergrad. Also, you will have a leg up looking for job in TX with UT Austin degree. TX definitely has lot more opportunities than Ontario.
With favorable tax structure in TX and low living cost, you can live comfortably. TX only taxes what you spend, not what you earn.
Austin is capital of TX and not a small city anymore. It is a high-tech (Silicon Valley South) city because of Dell and others.
I seriously doubt you will think in terms of "Indian Immigrant" once you are in the middle of undergrad program in North America. That brings to my statement in previous message "some changes, which your friends and family in India may not like."
If my experience is any measure, by the time you finish undergrad you will be as mainstream as they come unless you consciously decided to be a little frog clinging to the walls of "Indian immigrant" well.
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