Hi CDs,
My family and I need to relocate to Vernon in British Columbia. Vernon is a small tourist place with a population of aprx. 35000.
I don't know the place, haven't been there ever, wondering if I can find any desi there.
Hi Nyk,
I hope I am doing this right as this is my first post. I stumbled across the forum while I was trying to find the address a grocery store.
I live in Armstrong 15 minutes north of Vernon. I am Canadian of British/Polish decent but I lived in India for a year.
There is a small Indo Canadian community in Vernon with more and more immigrants moving to the area all the time. I sugest the best way to find out how to meet people is to stop in at the Vernon & District Immigrant Services Society at 3003 30th Street (phone # 542-4177) It is right downtown.
Vernon is a tourist town during July and August but is pretty laid back the rest of the year. It is really beautiful here and your family can enjoy relaxing at the beach during the summer months and ski during the winter. Silver Star mountain has some great deals on lessons for beginner skiers and cheap lift tickets and rentals on Friday evenings. There are plenty of parks in the area for walks or hiking and picnics. there is some small crime in the downtown area but this is a very safe area to live in.
Real Canadian Superstore and the grocery store at Village Green mall stock a pretty good supply of Indian foods.
Do you have a car? What are you and your families interests? I am happy to answer any questions about the area.
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