Title Problem

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Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-08 16:28:22

Hi everyone..i have some serioush problme..here is the situation.

I bought a brand new town house in jan 2004, after a year and in in oct 2007, i received a letter from the builder lawyer( lets call him x) sayin that the original titel was never transfered from builder to me for some weired reason..i could never undestend their language...this problme is not only for my house..its with about 6 different houses on my block..
i called my lawyer(lets clal him y)..he said he wud contact the builder lawyer..i dont know if he did or not but i contacted the builder lawyerr..he tried to explain me wat happened..but again its too complicted for me...
after a month and half..i received one more lette from some other lawyers(lets call him z) saying that the builder has hired them on behalf of us..but the bilder wud pay them to fix this problem..as soon i got it..i went to see my lawyer(y) who closed my deal....he said the problem is on their side...and if the bulder is paying for it...just sign the paper and they will fix it...but i didnt feel rite so i called that lawyer(z)...and he said we are different than my lawyer(y) and the bulders lawyer(x)...hes waiting for everyone to sign the paper and send em to him so he can start wrking..
i talked to one of my neighbour...she said..the day she got the first letter from the builder lawyer(x), she claled her own lawyer and her lawyer contacted the builder saying that if theres any problem he contacts him not her client..which osundz fair...i think my lawyer sucks...bastard is so lazy...u know wat that moron said to me..he said if u want me to do this..ill charge..so just go with the other lawyer..i mean come on..i think he shudnt have said to me..
i wud like to complain to some association about him...
did someone had this kind of problme like this..
and ps to mod..i wud like to post my lawyer info here so people wont go to this guy...im not sure if this forum allow it or not..but i think it wud help other canadian desi too.. let me know if i can do that.ill post his name address and phone #
any advice will be appreciated.
thanx for ur time everyone..

Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-01-08 16:33:12

i have emailed to canadian bar association. i will update as soon i hear something from them.
this is where i found the info.

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