I have applied for citizenship on APRIL MID from MISSISSAUGA.
Can anyone suggest me approx. when I will get first letter from them and how long it takes to get the citizenship,as I am planning to go to INDIA on end JUNE and back on end AUG.
Also what is the procedure--step by step to get the citizenship//
Thanks in advance,
Since you have already applied and waiting for their response, you have done the best that you can to obtain the citizenship papers.
Currently I see a lot of back log from the threads that you see on the CD site. So, do not expect any communications for a month or two any ways. If you do receive any from them, it will be just an acknowledgment. Then they will drag it for a year or more as that seems to be the time frame for the swearing in.
Please see the Citizenship thread, just to clear your mind.
Now, take a break and return.
Here are some of the salient features to remember:
* Age
* Permanent resident status
* Time lived in Canada
* Language abilities
* Criminal history (prohibitions)
* Knowledge of Canada
It is nice to know a lot about Canada. But do we need to know all of it? No.
Here are some of the items that you could read to expand your knowledge: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/look/index.asp
Citizenship and test questions: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/look/look-22.asp
You made a wise decision and the congratulations go with it. Please read more about it and why? : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/look.pdf
There are a lot of CD's available about Canada and the local natives of this land at the library and you can pick them up and watch too.
Hope this helps a little bit.
Canada citizenship practice test link, with score and answers - http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/
how many hours is the test? How many hours is the language test? How did you find the test? Reading the book 5-6 times enough? or anything else do you need to do.
smile ...
the test usually takes 3- 4 hours. and the language test another 2 hours. This test is more difficult than IIT entrance test. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding
I have seen people finishing the 20 question test in less than 5 minutes. They are very simple and easy. You have some links posted on this site where you have online practice questions. If you got hrough the book once or twice thats more than sufficient
Hope answered ur questions
thanks Colgate..very useful. definately takes away some of the stress.
smile ...
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