I have found out this other day on 2009 Tax Law Change for Home Sales
Beginning with the 2007 tax year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has allowed taxpayers to exclude $250,000 of gain from federal taxation on the sale of principal residences ($500,000 for married taxpayers).
Looks like I will be able to comply those conditions
My questions are
1- What are the expenses related to home sales I can file as a tax credit.My question is more on notery fees,real estate agent commision etc
2- Which tax Form will be relevant to claim those credits?I have been filing online via Ufile for last several years but could not find out the credit form/information in the Interview section of the Ufile
Thanks for your feedback/comment on this
CRA in Canada = IRS in USA
The article refers to US tax laws.
Are you asking about US tax laws or Canadian tax laws
Ufile is for Canadian Tax filing not US
Reiki Grand Master
Thanks Sudesh for your feedback.
It was my mistake not to check that is releted to US tax
Yes I am looking at Canadian Tax ....can you please respond to my questions ..also
Q3; how I calculate the Gain on Capital ..should I exclude X = mortgage,insuarance etc during calculation (Gain/Loss = sale price -purchase price -X)?
Originally posted by ani70
1- What are the expenses related to home sales I can file as a tax credit.My question is more on notery fees,real estate agent commision etc
Originally posted by ani70
2- Which tax Form will be relevant to claim those credits?I have been filing online via Ufile for last several years but could not find out the credit form/information in the Interview section of the Ufile
Originally posted by ani70
Q3; how I calculate the Gain on Capital ..should I exclude X = mortgage,insuarance etc during calculation (Gain/Loss = sale price -purchase price -X)?
Reiki Grand Master
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