Hi Every body,
Below is the time line for my citizenship application for your reference.
1. Applied on 2nd, March, 2009.
2. Took about 4 months to get the acknowldgement.
3. Took the test in the 3rd week of December, 2009.
4. Received a Residence Questionaire (RQ) on 28 JAN 2010 to respond within 30 days.
5. Replied to RQ with all the papers on 5th, Feb, 2010 (like lease agreements, letters from land lords, letters from Doctor's office stating the visits, Credit card statements, Bank statements, Car ownership and plate renewal proofs, my child's school attendance report, first page of T1-General for the past 3 years etc).
6. Received a letter around 20 March 2010 asking us to take oath on 21st, April, 2010.
7. Took oath on 21st.
It took about a year to complete the whole process including RQ. I think these time lines vary from case to case. From my experience I recommend that you keep all your lease agreements, bank statements, credit card statements, Utility Bills etc safe. Do not throw them away. If you get an RQ, it would save lot of time if you have all these ready.
I and my family members did complete more than 1095 days of physical presence required and I commuted to work in US(Detroit) every day (5 days a week).
I would like to thank every one on this forum for posting such a valuable information particulary the RQ related information which made me save all the papers right from the starting of my journey. It came in really handy when I needed it ( I was able to respond to RQ in less than a week).
Thanks again and bye for now.
Feel any different? I know there are lot of things that get simplified and mind gets easy and settled.
How come we have to pay a Visa Fee to see our Mother land? Welll.... we pay a fee some place, but to the Indian Government. It is O.K. I guess.
Thanks for providing us with the time line and the no hassle, easy greasy sleezy methods.
Congrats to you and the Family.
Nice to know about the success.
To above poster, well just take the visa fee you would have paid to get your Indian passport renewed, without which you would not have been able to visit the motherland anyway.
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