Questions abt TN visa

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Member since: Dec 06
Posts: 275

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-01-11 15:00:47

Hello group

My wife is planning to look for a job in the US as a Business analyst. She has M.Comm degree from Inidia and has been working for a bank in Mississauga as a Snr. Business Analyst for abt 11 yrs. She is a Canadian citizen. I would appreciate if any of you with TN stamping experience could help me with the following questions;

1) Where to get the Indian B.Comm and M.Comm degrees evaluated(equivalency) in Toronto.
2) Is it ok to travel to US for interview just on Canadian Passport or does she need any special permit to attend interviews.
3) Being a business analyst, what would be the best category for her to apply for a TN stamping.

Appreciate all your help.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 254

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-11 14:53:46

My suggestion would be to contact Brian Zuccahro and see what he has to say.If it was IT or an engineering position a lot of us could have weighed in.I got my equivalency done by University of Toronto.It took them more than 3 months that was like 3 years back.

The best answers for TN permit can be found at

For suitable job titles I would use

I am attaching a template of the TN support letter that is needed from your employer on his letterhead.The juice is in this letter.

June 29, 2010

United States Department of Homeland Security
United States Port of Entry/Pre-Flight Inspection
Attention: Port Director/Free Trade Officer

Re: Application of XXX for Admission in TN Status

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is submitted on behalf of Mr /Mrs as a TN professional under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). XXXXXX Inc. wishes to engage the services of Mr. XXX, a Canadian citizen, as an) for a three-year period. He will be compensated $xxx per year. This letter is not to be construed as being a variation of the agreed terms of service between XXX and XXX.


XXX, Inc., the U.S. petitioner, is one of the many wholly owned subsidiaries of XXX Industries , incorporated in the Zambia. XXX Industries

In addition, our industry leadership in products, technology, manufacturing and brand management are the key to our success. We see opportunities in new markets where we can create and sustain above average returns for shareholders.

The worldwide market for diamonds is growing rapidly and we already have a leading position in this industry. We believe we can enhance our position using our unique process technology. It is our intention to aggressively grow demand for our products and secure targeted shares of new markets whilst vigorously defending our share of existing markets.


As an Engineer with XXX XXX, Inc., Mr. XXX will be responsible for all aspects of planning and scheduling.
Provide Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Administration, including:

 Providing plant support and training;
 Updating equipment hierarchies;
 Task and instruction generation;
 Generating performance reports; and,
 Working with corporate reliability team to roll program out in the plant.


Mr. XXX is qualified for the above-referenced position, in that he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from xxx University in India in 1998. In addition, he received his U.S. Master of Science degree in xxx from the University of xxx in xxx in 2003.

Engineering is specified in Schedule 2 of the Free Trade Agreement as an appropriate TN professional category, requiring as a precondition to admission a Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree; or state/provincial license.


As described above, Mr. XXX is eligible for admission in temporary TN status.

Accordingly, we respectfully request your approval of professional TN status for Mr. XXX and his temporary admission for a three-year period.

Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.



For suitable job titles I would use

Member since: Dec 06
Posts: 275

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-11 16:30:30

Thanks Jack

Appreciate your detailed response.
- Is there someother place to get the degrees evaluated other then U of T.
- My wife is on the IT side but does not do any technical work. She has been a BA in IT department in a bank pretty much all her career. Would this be considered IT.
- Is it even feasible to get a job in the US by staying in Toronto or going to the US is a better option.


Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1484
Location: Convinient

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-11 17:35:33

I think that you are little confused here about TN cataegory . If your wife is looking for a job than she is definitely not entitled for TN . TN visa is sponsored/requested by the employer which means that an individual can ONLY apply for TN when they have a offer letter in hand .

Originally posted by rsk12

Thanks Jack

Appreciate your detailed response.
- Is there someother place to get the degrees evaluated other then U of T.
- My wife is on the IT side but does not do any technical work. She has been a BA in IT department in a bank pretty much all her career. Would this be considered IT.
- Is it even feasible to get a job in the US by staying in Toronto or going to the US is a better option.


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