Toronto to Nova Scotia by Car via Quebec

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Member since: Apr 10
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-11-14 00:39:43

Hi, this Christmas holidays, me and my wife are leaving for Nova Scotia by Car. We are planing to enjoy the winter and Snow like the natives... If anybody (fit, loves to travel and trek with good stamina and humor) wants to join us then shoot an email; planning to spend 10-12days in White Snow with ice fishing as an extra...

Please reply by December 13th 2014.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 1002
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-11-14 09:54:20

Wow .... great plan. Unfortunately I am not in a position to join now.
But make sure you are prepared for worst possible weather conditions ... have a good plan to have a continuous communication with someone, food cans, gas, batteries, winter wear, blankets, sleeping bags, important medicines, self-protection equipment etc.,

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-11-14 14:54:48

Please refill your car every 1/2 tank ... If you are ever stuck anywhere , run the car and heat up for 10 mins every hour.

Keep a safety kit including a flash light and radio.

Drive safe and enjoy!!


Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-11-14 13:57:46

Originally posted by mountlive

Hi, this Christmas holidays, me and my wife are leaving for Nova Scotia by Car. We are planing to enjoy the winter and Snow like the natives... If anybody (fit, loves to travel and trek with good stamina and humor) wants to join us then shoot an email; planning to spend 10-12days in White Snow with ice fishing as an extra...

Please reply by December 13th 2014.


Since you are on a long trip and want to enjoy it, I will let you go on your road trip and return safely and give us a review of your trip and the struggles.

AND, if you want to bring us a lot of road pictures and the Travel Cam shots, then buy a new DASH CAM with TWIN CAM one for the front and the next one for the rear and give us a run down as to how well the driver did too.

Most of us had a pilot on the passenger seat, who read the maps and gave us the read out with the next stops and exits. Currently there are GPS's that talk to you and tell you get out you st... for your break etc., So, get yourself one if you find it really necessary.

Have some one monitoring the Base Camp and keep in touch with them from time to time and if you fail to report, then they know where they lost contact with you and they will look for you in a dead zone where there are no communications, because some of the phone companies do not have towers all over Canada to provide you with their services. If possible gives a report on that too.

Now while you are driving, there are some rocky slopes and some close to the waterfronts. While you are on a roadway that fits this description, you can see the knolls nearby and the waves spraying onto the roads when you are close to the waters. These two locations you have to watch for these are the locations the roads freeze and get slippery and very dangerous to drive. So, traverse with caution in such zones and over the bridges too. Also while you are driving, you could generally see a mile or two in front of you if you are a keen and observant driver. And while driving if you see someone off to the shoulder or in the ditch, slow down LONG BEFORE you reach the vehicle, because if you are fast, you will end up on top of him. The main reason being the road was treacherous and slippery and he lost control of his vehicle and so he ended up there. That is a sure indication of slippery slopes and bad roads. So, be prepared in advance and if you are a good SAMARITAN who wants to stop and help, then use the FLASHERS before you pull over to help. Make sure your phone system works before you stop, if you want to call for help.

Having said all of this, carry a can of spare oil and windshield washer and Jumper cable, just in case you need them. Have a small shovel too to get yourself out of a snow pile. Easy snacks and Thermos Flask will be handy on long runs like this, just to avoid monotony. (Thanks, and now I have to run out and get a PANETTONE Bread). Your own collection of the type of music, will keep you entertained on a long trip like this, if your buggy is equipped to play.

Get a good tune up before you start, and that will give you a better mileage. In the olden days we used to carry a set of fan belts and a coat hanger too, to sling the muffler, when it sags. Have a small tool kit to go with it and get to know how to use it. Carry a LED Flashlight that is the latest on the market.

TAKE the MAJOR HIGHWAYS and avoid short cuts as the roads that it runs through might not be in the priority snow clearance areas and by the time they get to you, it may be a day too late. So, plan your trip well.

The road side motels are slightly cheaper and will also let you in and out of the EXITS from the highway quickly, but some of them might not be comfortable and HOT in this cold weather and you might have a very cold and uncomfortable night and the next days drive will be a miserable drive.

HWY 401 East is great. HWY 20/40 is great too and a stop at the RIVIER DU LOOP will be a nice stop too. A Stop at Moncton and drive through the magnetic hill will be a next attraction there. Never Miss the Biggest Bridge Canada has ever built so far and it will take you to Charlottetown in PEI. The cost is well worth it and have an hour or two for yourself there and get back on to the road. There is a location there close by called "WINDSOR" too near Truro, take a side trip on route 238 and have break there and take a good look at the Bay of Fundy and if the tide is low you will see the bottom of the Fundy basin while you are there. It is not much to see at that location, but you wish you had seen that before they will make it into a big center some time in the future. The road South will lead you to Halifax and when I write this, I am getting nostalgic and getting goose bumps too.

In this snow and cold weather, you can drop the Ice Fishing, unless that is the main attraction in your trip. But the young ice is treacherous and might not be thick enough to permit you to drill and build a hut over it. This is just my two bits and if you have the experience in it, go for it. It is the riskiest part of the whole trip. Also I can't take it.

There is some one who is reading this response to you, standing behind me, who says, "You better keep out of this adventure and let them both do it on their own" and if you join, you might Fk it up. So, Bon voyage and a safe return.

Enjoy the Timmies or the King buger en route.


Member since: Apr 10
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-12-14 11:03:56

thanks everybody for their titsbits....

by the way we still travel the old way, maps and compass, after all North america is so well marked that you loose the sense of all adventure with GPS   
Member since: Dec 14
Posts: 16

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-12-14 14:10:30

Good Luck . I will never have the guts to do something like that.

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Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-12-14 20:47:33

Originally posted by

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What about the poster's id itself?

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