Fencing in the backyard

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1853
Location: GTA, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-04-15 18:46:39


I need to start fencing the sides of my backyard, there is fencing at the back of the backyard. The side houses are still left.

Discussed with both the Neighbors on the side, they are fine with sharing the cost. It is left to me to investigate and install. They have recommended Iron gates in place of wood.

Any recent experiences ?
Any dos and don'ts ?
Any rough idea on the cost per measure ?
I really prefer it to be private, so prefer maximum allowed height thats also cost effective.

I will make sure invoice names properly listing all the parties with what they owe.


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Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-15 12:02:36

Originally posted by JRF


I need to start fencing the sides of my backyard, there is fencing at the back of the backyard. The side houses are still left.

Discussed with both the Neighbors on the side, they are fine with sharing the cost. It is left to me to investigate and install. They have recommended Iron gates in place of wood.

Any recent experiences ?
Any dos and don'ts ?
Any rough idea on the cost per measure ?
I really prefer it to be private, so prefer maximum allowed height thats also cost effective.

I will make sure invoice names properly listing all the parties with what they owe.



If you want to keep with the same or similar materials that are currently used and what you see there as a fencing, then, follow the same construction and price the cost of such materials if you want to continue with a similar fence.

Generally depending upon your neighbors and their behaviour, the fencing calls for either to be a chain link fence or a Privacy fencing. The materials do differ upon how expensive the fencing needs to be. So, you can determine the materials and the costs. I have a bunch of neighbors who are nice and when we built the fence, we shared the costs evenly. But they don't stay there too long and when they sell and move out the next person will buy a few spruce trees and enhance his privacy. They plant the trees every two feet or there about and they grow like wild weeds. Once they are tall we are no longer neighbors.(The friendly kind I mean)

There are by-laws and you can check with the municipalities to obtain the height restrictions. The height is generally about 6 feet or 6 feet 6 inches tall from the ground.

Depending upon what the others have built there as a fence, you may go for the same shape, size and the colour of the fence around you and feel the same closeness or the affluence around you.

The rear of the lots could be 50 to 60 feet wide if it is standard lot and the cost of the materials could be easily generated with the links provided here. It will also give you the nomenclature of the parts.

Also there are a lot of books available either at the libraries or at some of the Hardware stores to peek and make your own designs of these with the available materials. Some hardware stores will provide you with the loan of a few small tools to get by. The fence hole digger and the cementing etc., are your own design and the depth is also your choice. You will need a bag of premix for each post. the current cost is under TEN bucks a bag. The vertical posts are under 15 bucks a piece and the top rails run by the feet. The sizes called for are slightly different for different heights and the top rails are standard tubing. The joiners will also vary in its sizes. So, please make a note. Some of the do's and don'ts are common sense-based and I don't have to stress too much on this subject matter.

You may have to pay the going price for the chain links and if it is a privacy fence, if one side calls for, you may have to go for wooden boards. Whatever it may be the case please make sure that the wood is coated with two good coats and it is dry before you drop into the ground. The materials you use could be creosote or plain tar. These uprights should last a few good years.

Home Depot. : http://www.homedepot.com/b/Lumber-Composites-Fencing-Chain-Link-Fencing-Chain-Link-Fence-Accessories/N-5yc1vZc3n6 But the prices are in US Dollars.

LOWES L Very competitive: http://www.lowes.com/Outdoors/Fencing/Chain-Link-Fencing/_/N-1z0wg5q/pl#!

PARTS and What they are known as.: http://www.chainlinkfence.com/galvanized.html (Ignore the prices)

Some KIT providers will give a sheet with instructions. : http://www.soldanfence.ca/resources/Do-It-Yourself-Installation-Instructions.pdf

e-bay. : http://www.ebay.com/bhp/chain-link-fence

I have built a few good fences and most of them were Chain Link type and they were tensioned with plain ropes and pulleys if it was difficult to stretch. Once in place and locked in, it does not flex too much.

It is feeling like summer on a few days, the spring has sprung and the grass is riz and Good Luck to you in this project.


Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1853
Location: GTA, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-04-15 10:21:15

Thanks FH, As such I've engaged Home Dept (as recommended by another member), his quote is slightly expensive but not bad compared to others.
Planning to take 2 other quotes before deciding to go further.

The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.

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