Yes, In my case I am working for Canadain company on assignments abroad and as per rules it is considered the period in Canada.
Give your views about this subject, and whatever you know about this please share with us.
you state that you were working for Canadian company posted abroad and as per rules that is counted towards time in Canada.
You are wrong. It is counted towards time in Canada for PR not for Citizenship. In some cases they make slight exceptions but what you have stated is not correct.
I have seen Canadain Govt. Site for Citizenship . As per that if you are working abroad for Canadain company or Govt. and you are then the period is counted for as you are in Canada. I was filing Candain Income tax for all years.
As I confirmed from my other friends in the Company , they informed that for similar situation like mine , they have got Citizenship.
Please commnet.
Orginally posted by rakesh590
I have seen Canadain Govt. Site for Citizenship . As per that if you are working abroad for Canadain company or Govt. and you are then the period is counted for as you are in Canada. I was filing Candain Income tax for all years.
As I confirmed from my other friends in the Company , they informed that for similar situation like mine , they have got Citizenship.
Please commnet.
We will find a way or we will make one
Orginally posted by hihoneyilu
Here i welcome all applicants who has applied in oct-2003 .
and if you have more knowledge about this please share it.
I applied for citizenship in Oct 03. Scaborough office recieved file on March 30-04. Nothing happened. Called 1-800. According to them my application has been cleared but lined up for Test. after more than three months, no test in sight. This is Jan-05.
Any body precisely aware of Oct-03 issues....
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