Dear Friends,
I am a graduate mechanical engineer with around 14 years experience in light and heavy engineering industries in India.I had applied for an assessment of my engineering qualifications to CCPE and have received their response.They have mentioned that the engineering qualification is at par with the canadian graduate studies.But in order to practice as a Professional engineer I am required to have min 4 years experience out of which one year is from a canadian employer.Also they have mentioned some additional requirements like technical exams,profesional practice exams and canadian engineering law and ethics.If there are any Professional engineers in Mechanical Engineering stream in this board I would welcome some comments on the above exam issues.
If you are landing in Ontario, the link below will give you all the info:
Its like a chicken & egg story.
They will not give you a license until you have worked under a P. Eng ( Professional Engineer) for a year. Then pass the exams
Also, you will not get a job unless you have a P. Eng.
All the Engieers i know, did their Masters in Canada & then got their Licenses.
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