hello there im avinash from india.as others i would like to immigrate to canada.im 25 and i hold a master of science in advaced manufacturing systems from the UK and a post grad diploma in business management from the UK as well.
My first degree is Bachelors in mech engg and while i was studying i worked 3 years part time as system and network operator.after finishin the degree i worked for one year full time as a mechanical engg technologist and then flew to UK for advanced studies.
im now back in india and getting trained for MCSE and CCNA.this is because i have a strong interest in the hardware and networkin feild tho my main stream is mech/manufacuring engineering.
i would like to know whether i will be having any problems in my application since i have experience in 2 different feilds???
or is it an advantage???
is it necessary to submit the police certificate with the application or can i do it later when they advice?????????
i always have a doubt in my mind whether the experience i have is sufficient???????
i will appreciate any replies
thanks and regards
grade 12 (18yrs) + Mech engg. (22yrs) + Masters (24yrs) + PG Diploma (25yrs) .....when did you work or gain work experience in your field of study
Check for pervert's database here http://www.perverted-justice.com
hello the followin are the dates and the qualifications i obtained
1995 ---10th standard Indian certificate of secondary education
1997---Intermediate (10+2)
2001---Bachelor of Tech (Mechanical Engg)
2002-2003------Master of Science (Advanced Manufacturing systems)
2003--2004----PG Diploma in business management
1998---2001---->system and network operator (Part time when i was doing my bachelors degree in mech engg)
2001----2002---->Mechanical engineering technologist (Full time after Bachelors and before masters)
hope this will answer your question.shall be lookin forward for your reply
thanks and regards
well the masters degree in the UK is only for a one year duration and not for 2 years and the PG diploma is for 9 months.
thanks n regards
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