Thanks LD,
I shall remmeber ur advice.
*Here authorised dealer normally means a Bank dealing with foreign exchange, or say Thomas Cook
Just fill in Form A2, submit Demand Draft from your bank account, Photocopy of your PAN Card, you may need an Income Tax Clearance Certificate ( needs a CA and Rs.5000 or so) and it would take about half an hour for entire transaction to go through. You will get your DD for USD 100,000 or equivalent in CAD.
Orginally posted by LD
*Here authorised dealer normally means a Bank dealing with foreign exchange, or say Thomas Cook
Just fill in Form A2, submit Demand Draft from your bank account, Photocopy of your PAN Card, you may need an Income Tax Clearance Certificate ( needs a CA and Rs.5000 or so) and it would take about half an hour for entire transaction to go through. You will get your DD for USD 100,000 or equivalent in CAD.
Form A2 is not a permission form. It is essentially used as a pay-in slip which is used for statistical information by RBI. It is still required by banks.
However you are very right, and even amounts such as $5000.00 are delivered at your home without much formalities by perfectly legal and licensed private players.
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