Dear members,
I have a quick question regarding the extension of visitor visa. My parents are here on 6 months single entry visitor visa. Now I would like to apply for their multiple entries visitor visa. Can I do the same from here. If yes, what is the procedure for the same?
Thanks for all your help.
Ame amdavadi
First of all, please donot double post the same question. You have been visiting the site long enough to be aware of this.
I know that a 6 months visa can be extended for another 6 months one time. So it will be for a total of 1 year.
Regarding if it can be converted into a multiple entry visa, only other CD members can advise you.
if you need a multiple entry visa soley for the purpose of travel to USA, then a single entry visa itself can suffice for unlimited entry/ exit to USA provided you have a USA visa and the immigration allows you.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
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