India should open up to Walmart. The benefits would be huge.
Protectionism , most of the time has been proven to be detriment to a nation's competitiveness and strategic interest. Ask Canada, how beneficial NAFTA has proved to be.
This debate is almost reminiscent with that which took place earlier regarding the License Raj era. Today, how many folks would want to go back to that era?
India’s primitive and wasteful retail industry is the most glaring example of the need for foreign investment. The business is dominated by tiny mom-and-pop stores. The near-absence of big supermarket chains means there is no “chill chain” of transport and storage to keep fruit and vegetables fresh from field to shopping-basket. As a result, a quarter or more of such produce is wasted, a catastrophe in a country where so many go hungry.
In more advanced retailing systems, less than a tenth is lost.
Given the success some Indian companies are now having on the world stage, India’s fear of foreign competition at home seems odd.
With Walmart in India, and the cheap prices that entails inflation will be curbed.
In terms of number of jobs lost in the retail industry that is probably inevitable. However, Indians should ask, if China can be the global manufacturing hub, why not India?
Given the state of Infrastructure, Corruption and Bureaucracy seem to be the stumbling block all as a result of a government monopolized by a single party (CONgress).
Change is a good idea. Especially in this case.
In the Arab world, change brought about by Facebook and Twitter forced the (unemployed) Arabs to ask what their governments are doing for them.
So to those unemployed Indians will ask - What has the CONgress party done for the country?
And if those $40bn dollars that Raja and Sonia GANDHI stole if it had be put to good use.
What could India have achieved?
As regards Modi, unfortunately he cannot decide issue of entry of WM. That is corrupt centre of MMS/Sonia?Chiddu which takes decision. Hence if WM decides to come to Gujarat, he would welcome them. Have you heard "When rape is inevitable, enjoy it". It sis that sort of situation. When he cannot prevent WM, it is better to welcome it.
However, I hope other CD (barring you who cannot think and your bosom friend Chedda) would agree with me about WM's role in destruction of USA
Given the success some Indian companies are now having on the world stage, India’s fear of foreign competition at home seems odd.
Please refrain from doing personal attacks on CD. Let other express their opinion and respect each others point of view.
A Proud Indian Canadian
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