I agree with u bro
But If i start applying for universities now..i will get admission for the sessions starting in september 2014
So what to do between january and september??
Can u suggest me any 8 month course keeping in mind my civil engg background??
Civil engineering has a very poor job record in Canada. Gulf is a very good place to find jobs.
The problem with colleges is that they will teach you all that you have learnt in India and you will find that you are learning it twice. However Canadian education will be very good.
Have you thought about working for a year in India, applying for immigration and coming to CAanda as an immigrant?
Benefits are :
1. Low fees (for a Permanent resident)
2. Can work labour jobs as much as you want.
3. Free food through food banks and soup kitchens.
Think it over.
Peace by Murali
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Hello rikhis....try evaluating your civil engineering degree from the concerned authorities..(i can guide you if you need ...just PM me..)...once they evaluate your degree as per the standards here, they can advice what additional courses you need to take in order to practice your profession here....this will be more fruitful in the longer run rather than changing your profession or working odd jobs....all the best..
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