nm ...
Very useful tips ..
I have a long way to go! Your post is helpful.Thank you for investing ur precious time here.Keep it going
Originally posted by kunato
I wanted to start this post, since I just wrote by test yesterday and I saw that so many people made mistakes that could have been easily prevented. Some of tips below will seem ridiculous, other sarcastic, but you'll be surprised how many ppl do small mistakes that simply takes up the entire time of others.
1. Arrive 15-30 minutes before the test!!! This will give you a chance to calm down, prepare mentally for the test; basically to pull yourself together. One person was late 5 min., and it did not look nice (come on, it's not a B-day party, but a citizenship test. so be on time). Take into consideration traffic/travel time.
2. Make sure you are in the RIGHT ROOM. If you are not sure where to go, take out your invit. letter and present it to a CIC officer. They;ll be glad to help. One person was scheduled for a hearing with a judge, and was sitting in our room.
3. Make sure you sit on a right chair. Some chairs are reserved for individuals over 55. There will be a note on a chair saying so. These people will only have their documents checked and will then leave (since they don't write the test). One person (prob. early 20-ies) was sitting in the chair reserved for those over 55. That was just rude.
4. BRING ALL DOCUMENTS that the Invitation letter lists. You MUST bring current AND all EXPIRED passports. If you don't, you will be thoroughly questioned!
Take this advice VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY!
5. BRING ALL SUPPORTING documents, such as travel tickets (e..g airline boarding tickets), credit card/phone/bank statements, rental or house purchases/agreements to support your PHYSICAL presence and/or absence. for the entire period of 1095 days.
I brought everything with me; nicely organized (yes it was a stack of 150 pages, took me 12 hours to organize and copy, but it was fully worth it).
Don't throw a whole stack of documents at a CIC officer. Guide him through your documents, if necessary.
Be prepared to answer a question about any stamp within 10 seconds. I may have been the one with most documents, but I was also the one who was done with CIC officer the fastest, in less than 1 minute.
Remember, better be prepared (=safe) then sorry!!!!
6. FOLLOW CIC officers instructions! E.g. if he asks you to be quite, THEN BE QUIET. Don't bring a child with you if the child is too "active".
If the officer wants you to sit down, THEN SIT DOWN. One guy on my test date said "I prefer to stand"....I mean come on!!! Leave your attitude in front of CIC building and pick it up after you're done with exam.
Disobeying is not only rude, but it unnecessarily procrastinates the whole test process. The bottom, line is, don't waste yours, CIC officer's and other people's time.
7. When asked to prepare your documents to be checked (passport, PR card, landing document, Health Card, Dl, etc)....then PREPARE ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS. One person waited until his name was called and then started searching in his big bag full of documents,...and it took a while.
I had following documents in my right hand, opened and visible:
Current Passport on the top, all expired passports at the bottom
Landing Document
Health Card
SIN card
In my left hand I had Invitation letter.
Really Good Info by Kunato
I was under impression that written test is like a regular WRITTEN TEST
Just go there & complete question paper
I never thought so many things involved. It was my understanding that all this checking & documents will be required only during Oath & getting Citizenship card
Anyway I still have few more months to apply but hope to find this INFO when required
Any input from other members, if this is the PROCEDURE in all Provinces & places particularly in Alberta.
One think Kunato can you please clear me about point 5
They need proof for all travels after coming to Canada even for few days or months. Do we really have to keep all travel tickets fro so many years
What about US visit
Originally posted by mumdxbcan
Really Good Info by Kunato
I was under impression that written test is like a regular WRITTEN TEST
Just go there & complete question paper
I never thought so many things involved. It was my understanding that all this checking & documents will be required only during Oath & getting Citizenship card
Anyway I still have few more months to apply but hope to find this INFO when required
Any input from other members, if this is the PROCEDURE in all Provinces & places particularly in Alberta.
One think Kunato can you please clear me about point 5
They need proof for all travels after coming to Canada even for few days or months. Do we really have to keep all travel tickets fro so many years
What about US visit
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