Dear CDs
I am a student completing my graduate studies in Montreal. As you know it is very difficult to get a job in this city because of the French issue. Hence I have decided to move to another city. I am considering the following cities for relocation
I am requesting your assistance in my decision to relocate to one of these cities. I have prepared a small survey on survey monkey the link for which is It will take only 5-10 mins for you to fill it.
It would be very helpful if you could fill this survey to the best of your knowledge. Please fill in for each city. For example if you are on a question which asks your opinion on job opportunities, you are requested to fill in for Montreal, Halifax, Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver. Also, you comments would be highly appreciated.
I have also included Montreal in the survey since it would provide me comparative statistics.
Thank you so much
Hi bluesky,
I have submitted my response.
Do let me know if you need more information.
What is your academic field?
~ Morning rain
Thank you ecom...
My academic field is business...I shall be done with my MBA in June.
If other CDs could please give your inputs through my survey, it would be very helpful.
Thank you
My vote Toronto all the way.. great for Banking/finance/It jobs
If u are looking for Oil Sector jobs Alberta
BTW Ontario economy is not doing very well .. so lot of companies are in the middle of hiring freeze.. This might tilt the odds in favor of Alberta.
Originally posted by bluesky
Thank you ecom...
My academic field is business...I shall be done with my MBA in June.
If other CDs could please give your inputs through my survey, it would be very helpful.
Thank you
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