Canadian job market bad news (The Star)

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Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-07-09 16:00:14

Originally posted by RBO

So far debate is going very intersting except OP concern............:D

Couldn't agree more.

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 528

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-07-09 22:13:40

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Hello Cd's,
Just wanted to share with you a link from the Toronto star which says that the jobsmarket will be very bad in Canada for many months.
It is also a known factor that jobs will be created only by the end of 2010. As Desi's living in Canada will know that the locals (born , educated and brought up) will be the first to get jobs. However, this senario may not apply for IT people, Finance people, people looking to exploit the loop holes of Cdn. social welfare system, Green enerey people and Health care workers.
so people who are thinking of immigrating from good jobs just for a job in Canada, please beware and be aware.

However, Canada still offers free health care (pharmacy you will have to pay), free schooling (9-3, daycare is extra and very costly) , free food (food bank), free meals (meals on wheels etc...), free library, no corruption, clean atmosphere (it is unbearably cold for 9 months and cold for 6 months), Good real estate market / RE appriciation, Cheap second hand cars, Good public transportation, Good religious centres (for all religion), Good universities, gated communities etc....

some very thought provoking and power sentences from the articles (designed to keep you negetively thinking- thanks to the Toronto star) are :

Canada could shed a total of 1.2 million jobs this year and next

He says that in 2013-14, instead of balancing its books, Ottawa will still run a $16.7 billion deficit

The cumulative federal budget deficit over five years will hit $155.9 billion

unemployment, currently at 8.4 per cent, will average 8.7 per cent this year, compared with Flaherty's estimate of 7.5 per cent for 2009. Page sees the jobless rate going as high as 9.4 per cent in 2010

worse-than-predicted employment picture means that actual total job losses in 2009 could go as high as 530,000 (Canada's population is just 33 million)

But Page says job losses next year could be as high as 700,000

Let us all CD's come together and share our thoughts so as not to be affected by this recession / gloomy forecast.

Peace by TK

There is this and there a zillion articles if one can scour the net at their leisure that state otherwise. There's only one thing certain at this point in time - that every damn thing is uncertain. Housing, stocks, jobs, gas prices so on and so forth.

I basically have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to news in general. I am very very tired of all the doom and gloom and the way media loves to thrive on bad news and almost force heads to turn and TV sets to tune to their station for the next bad headline that "you didn't know". Okay now I know, so WTF? Nothing. You just got to have patience and wait.

TK - people like you that have lost their jobs and are having a tough time tend to get drawn towards more bad news. I suggest you get away from it. If you have the fortitude to bear working odd jobs if it comes down to it, do so. If you have saved money, invest it in education. Are their certifications that can assist you in the future? What's the latest must-have skill in your field you lack? Can you perhaps work towards that...? etc...

Edit: Remember one thing. The media does not just report news. It makes news.

If you have a gun, you can rob a bank.
If you have a bank, you can rob everyone.
- Bill Maher

Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 84
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-07-09 00:55:56

Originally posted by Blorean

......There's only one thing certain at this point in time - that every damn thing is uncertain. Housing, stocks, jobs, gas prices so on and so forth.

...........You just got to have patience and wait.


Couldn't agree more with that.

Given the global nature of this recession, I think it would be very difficult for anybody to predict how things will go and when the recovery will take place. IMO, it is best not to give so much importance to these reports (both positive and negative).

Just give your best shot and hope for the best. This is not the first recession most of us are facing and would not be the last one either. Having said that I must agree that this downturn is unique in some ways at least because of its global nature.

Just my two cents.


Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 250
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-07-09 08:46:11

Originally posted by Iknownothing

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Originally posted by Maharaj
Where do you hang out normally to find all kinds of depressed people only And people who are ready to share their personal life with strangers?

The two personal cases were my friends. I came to know of this sitaution in around 1 year. Again I have heard a lot more from the long time friends I know regarding people that they know and the loop goes on.
Generally I have seen most people (Non IT only) complaining and not praising Canada. May be it is the friends that I get being in Non IT field. I will soon be moving to IT field and then I will share my experiences with IT people then.

Peace by TK

I am in IT and I still think Canada SUCKS!!!! .... :D

And i moved from IT to the Business side of things and i like Canada ;)

What does that tell you TK? Are you jumping ships from being an architect to enter IT simply to experience the other side? Thats a big gamble. aint it?

However if its for career enhancement and better job prospects, go for it.

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 185

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-07-09 11:35:10

The guys at Washington didn’t get the mortgage crisis right. They didn’t get the credit crisis right! And they sure as blazes aren’t getting the economy right, either!

Just a few weeks ago, politicians on Capitol Hill and policymakers at the Federal Reserve were tripping all over themselves to discuss the “green shoots” in the economy. Now, they’re openly admitting they screwed it up.

Vice President Joe Biden said last weekend that the administration “misread the economy.” Their hopelessly optimistic projection that unemployment would peak at 8 percent — has been thrown in the trash. The unemployment rate has instead climbed to 9.5 percent … and double-digit levels are right around the corner.

Now key officials, like Obama adviser Laura Tyson and House Democratic leader Steny Hoyer, talking about the possibility of a SECOND economic stimulus package. That’s a tacit admission that the $787-billion package enacted in February is failing to get the job done.

Again, this should come as no surprise to anyone. Unlike the ivory tower economists in Washington, everyone live in the real world. And everyone know how bad things are, and how serious the risk is that they’ll get worse — MUCH worse. So time is to avoid risk, and batten down the hatches for a worsening economic storm.

Toronto's jobless rate up to 9.6% in June

National unemployment rises to 11-year high

Ontario lost 56,000 jobs in June, but that was offset by the addition of 57,000 part-time jobs, StatsCan said. That was enough to bump up the province's unemployment rate by 0.2 percentage points to 9.6 per cent, its highest level in 15 years.

Since last October, employment in the province has fallen by 232,000, with more than half the losses in manufacturing.

The jump in the rate for the Toronto area is a particular cause for concern, Porter said. "We've seen a greater deterioration in Toronto's unemployment rate than we have nationally since Canada lurched into recession last fall."

Keep well,

Until next time,


Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-07-09 13:26:29

Originally posted by Krazzyfour

The guys at Washington didn’t get the mortgage crisis right. They didn’t get the credit crisis right! And they sure as blazes aren’t getting the economy right, either!

Just a few weeks ago, politicians on Capitol Hill and policymakers at the Federal Reserve were tripping all over themselves to discuss the “green shoots” in the economy. Now, they’re openly admitting they screwed it up.

Vice President Joe Biden said last weekend that the administration “misread the economy.” Their hopelessly optimistic projection that unemployment would peak at 8 percent — has been thrown in the trash. The unemployment rate has instead climbed to 9.5 percent … and double-digit levels are right around the corner.

Now key officials, like Obama adviser Laura Tyson and House Democratic leader Steny Hoyer, talking about the possibility of a SECOND economic stimulus package. That’s a tacit admission that the $787-billion package enacted in February is failing to get the job done.

Again, this should come as no surprise to anyone. Unlike the ivory tower economists in Washington, everyone live in the real world. And everyone know how bad things are, and how serious the risk is that they’ll get worse — MUCH worse. So time is to avoid risk, and batten down the hatches for a worsening economic storm.

Toronto's jobless rate up to 9.6% in June

National unemployment rises to 11-year high

Ontario lost 56,000 jobs in June, but that was offset by the addition of 57,000 part-time jobs, StatsCan said. That was enough to bump up the province's unemployment rate by 0.2 percentage points to 9.6 per cent, its highest level in 15 years.

Since last October, employment in the province has fallen by 232,000, with more than half the losses in manufacturing.

The jump in the rate for the Toronto area is a particular cause for concern, Porter said. "We've seen a greater deterioration in Toronto's unemployment rate than we have nationally since Canada lurched into recession last fall."

Keep well,

Until next time,


Are these your thoughts or is it the wonderful world of copy paste you have been living in?

Please quote if you are copying someone Else's words, or it's considered plagiarism.

AV Canada   
Member since: Apr 09
Posts: 22

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-07-09 17:20:37

There are lot of valid points which i liked in this discussion , yes Canada has good and bad sides

good for less educated immigrants and IT, health care professionals skilled trades , other people just suffer here, some are lucky enough to start and succeed in business but most of the people are stuck in their lives, last week i met a guy from bangladesh ( 42 yr old) professor by profession working in factory for last 2.5 years

But yes, this country in still very beautiful and there is lot's to enjoy

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