am thinking of renting out my condo apartment next year. in the meantime am just doing research. just want to know if there is anyone out there who has rented out. did it work out ok? what are some of the practical aspects that you've come across which makes u wish you never decided to rent out your property. look forward to hearing your experiences.
smile ...
Renting out can be a maker or breaker depending on the tenant you get. I have had one tenant who disappeared after owing me $1300. I now have a great tenant who has been paying rent and maintaining the yard for the past 5 years. I also had a tenant who believed I was at his service 24/7 and expected me to visit him every week and make sure "his majesty's" comforts were taken care of. Finally, I told him what he can expect for the rent he pays and if that was not acceptable, I am willing to do him a favor and break the lease and he can find some other place. That took care of his absurd expectations.
Fortunately, all the above kept/keep the premises in great condition. It would also help if you are handy to do knick knack maintenance work/repair work as it would control labor cost.
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