What a waste-G8/G20 Security costs

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-05-10 08:18:17

What a waste. This can happen only in Canada (among the developed nations).
The total tab for security costs for these 2 summits is 833 Million. Yes. I wrote is correctly 833 Million. Just 167 Million short of a billion.
It also must be noted that this is 20 times higher than the last summit held in the UK.
The ones who greatly benefit from it will be security people, Highly paid Govt. staff, Paramedics (with all overtime), event providers etc.. The tab is from the common man. Also include the lost productivity due to this (Univ. of Toronto closure, Hospital surgery cancellations etc....).
Ontario's govt. total budget defecit is just 26 billion for this year.
Canada's hosting of the G20/G8 summit is similar to the immigrant / refugee ratio. If you need immigrants, then you must also take in refugee's (UN mandate). So if you attend G8/G20 for a number of years, then at one point you must also host one. The predicament is that Canada was never a regular place that hosted such events and hence the costly tab.
My question is :
Could not the money been paid by Canada to host this summit elsewhere for a fraction of this cost like Hawaai, Carribean, UK, Bahamas ???
What a unthinkable waste !

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-05-10 17:02:26

I agree its a wasteful expenditure for a small country like Canada. Canada should never have been part of G-8
We were never the 7th largest economy when the group was created. I read somewhere that it was only at the insistence of US , Canada was admitted into G-7. US wanted Canada as a North American counter weight to a European dominated G-7 group and that's how we came to be stuck with this G-8 thing

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 213
Location: St. Catherines ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-10 10:43:15

Originally posted by brown_bear
I read somewhere that it was only at the insistence of US , Canada was admitted into G-7. US wanted Canada as a North American counter weight to a European dominated G-7 group and that's how we came to be stuck with this G-8 thing

true, but it was in Canada's interest to be there too.
at that time Canada had no significance in world economy. oil, metals and other commodities were not so high at that time.
this opened up Canada for world markets and helped the economy
without this Canada would have been left behind and no one would have cared.
with the G8, you are either in or out.
if you are out, you better have very strong economic clout like china has today to influence world economy and politics.
else you are a nobody on the world stage.

Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-10 13:25:13

You know TK, and all you people who constantly whine and cry and bitch about Canada!! If you don’t like WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL HERE??
I am amazed how you hate this place soo much this country is soo bad, yet without any shame you happily get this country’s citizenship and if this place is soo bad why are you still living here after so why don’t you leave and go back to you so called great India!!!
I’m a secong generation Indo Canadian and Canada is the greates countery to me. I’ve lived in the states, I’ did my masters in Australia and came back to Canada with my so called foreign credentials, and had no problem getting a god paying job in investment finance.
Infact yes I want Canada to stop immigration as there are way too many Indians and they are ruining my beloved country!!

A proud Canadian of Indian origin!!

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 283
Location: Toronto ON Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-10 14:00:05

First of all it is inappropriate for you to shout "Go back" slogan. I think every individual has right to protest against government's decision to which he/she disagrees. I do not agree with TKs comments but I think he has right to his opinon. Anybody who has canadian citizen is no different from you and therefore please ride down from your horse of second generation high class citizen. BTW this is not what I am saying, this is what our Canadian Government says and the Government represents Canadian People.

Secondly, you can't really compare Australian credentials with Indian credentials. I think everybody around here knows that acceptance of education from subcontinent is an issue. Anybody has who has completed education in US, UK, Australia and etc does not face such issue. In addition accent and language makes difference. This is a legit issue and both sides have valid arguments but I won't get into it at this moment.

You may be proud Indo-Canadian but I am ashamed of your Indian roots.

Manjeet Singh

Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-10 14:43:50

hey Manjeet yes I too hate that I have Indian orign in me and wish i could be a proper white Canadian!!

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 283
Location: Toronto ON Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-05-10 14:51:43

need not say no more. I wish you all the best cause that color is not going anywhere

Manjeet Singh

Contributors: newguy78(3) brown_bear(2) Manjeet(2) Newlyborn(1) ftfl(1) tamilkuravan(1) DesiBabu70(1)

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