Hi all,
My friend is planning to be on a short term (4-5 month) assignment to toronto. The company is located in the financial district.
My question is about how to manage the accommodation for such a visit. Will the apartments, usually, be willing to sign a 4 month lease? Or some sort of motels, listed at http://www.canadiandesi.com/read.php?TID=14511&page=1 , the only option. Any suggestions at all, would be really helpful.
Regarding her preferences, she prefers to cook herself and stay close to office.
And thanks in advance!!
Where she would be working. It is big city.
Apartment managers wont agree for 4 months lease.
Hotels would be expensive.
To be more precise, her office would be at the junction of Adelaide Street West and Bay Street (which, if I understand correctly, is also called the Financial District)
since posting an advt is free, tell your friend to post her advt for housing in either short rental or room mates in kijiji.ca.toronto or craiglist or even canadiandesi classified.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi
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