Kanaada calling...

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Member since: Jul 07
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-07-07 01:55:54

Hey Guys,

I am flying to kanaada which is commonly known as Canada to outside world for a couple of months on a short-term assignment. I would be working out of Toronto office of my company.

I need inputs from fellow Desis in Toronto... I would be travelling with my wife and a nine month old kid.

What I would like to know is about the living there... what major stuff I need to carry... what all is available there as well...

Commutation related stuff... Will my indian driving license be valid there till a particular duration or do I need international driving permit... bigger question is that do I need to drive at all or public transport is good enough to survive for few months...

I will be leaving from Delhi by mid-August and as of current plan, will be back to India by mid November, so Do I need to carry my winter wardrobe? What will be weather like during my period of stay?...

What about electronics items? Can I buy some good stuff from there, which is expensive back here in India? I was planning to buy a PDA, so shall I buy and take it from here or there are some chances of a better deal there?

In addition, I would love some inputs on cost of living as well... How is it like living in Toronto?

Replies will be appreciated... :)

Thanks in advance

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-07-07 15:58:48

Originally posted by indian_curry
Commutation related stuff... Will my indian driving license be valid there till a particular duration or do I need international driving permit... bigger question is that do I need to drive at all or public transport is good enough to survive for few months...

Depends on where you will live and where you need to get to.
If you will be living and working in Toronto, driving will most likely not be required.
Toronto has several grocery stores and other types of shopping that you can get to without a car.

I will be leaving from Delhi by mid-August and as of current plan, will be back to India by mid November, so Do I need to carry my winter wardrobe? What will be weather like during my period of stay?...
It will start to get cool by Delhi standards in Oct.
A light jacket would be required.
If you decide not to carry it, you can buy here.
A light jacket for Oct to Nov. timeframe can be purchased in about $20 - $40 (depending on where you buy).
What about electronics items? Can I buy some good stuff from there, which is expensive back here in India? I was planning to buy a PDA, so shall I buy and take it from here or there are some chances of a better deal there?
You can always get deals here.
There is no point buying a new one in India and bringing it along.
If you already have one, then sure, bring it along (don't forget the travel charger for 110 v. :)

In addition, I would love some inputs on cost of living as well... How is it like living in Toronto?
Compared to what?
Do not try and convert $ into Rs. when purchasing items.
Certain things you will find cheap and certain things you might find excessively expensive.

If you wish to share your daily allowance or monthly budget figures here, we can probably give you a better idea.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Jul 07
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-08-07 04:16:04

Originally posted by pratickm

Originally posted by indian_curry
Commutation related stuff... Will my indian driving license be valid there till a particular duration or do I need international driving permit... bigger question is that do I need to drive at all or public transport is good enough to survive for few months...

Depends on where you will live and where you need to get to.
If you will be living and working in Toronto, driving will most likely not be required.
Toronto has several grocery stores and other types of shopping that you can get to without a car.

Thanks for this info... I will be based out of Toronto. But what about my Indian Driving License? Will it be valid for certain duration? Say, I want to rent out a car for the weekend, will it be helpful?

I will be leaving from Delhi by mid-August and as of current plan, will be back to India by mid November, so Do I need to carry my winter wardrobe? What will be weather like during my period of stay?...
It will start to get cool by Delhi standards in Oct.
A light jacket would be required.
If you decide not to carry it, you can buy here.
A light jacket for Oct to Nov. timeframe can be purchased in about $20 - $40 (depending on where you buy).

Thanks again. I will take some small woolens for my infant kid.

What about electronics items? Can I buy some good stuff from there, which is expensive back here in India? I was planning to buy a PDA, so shall I buy and take it from here or there are some chances of a better deal there?
You can always get deals here.
There is no point buying a new one in India and bringing it along.
If you already have one, then sure, bring it along (don't forget the travel charger for 110 v. :)

That's good you told me about some deals. Now I won't buy a new one immediately... ;)

In addition, I would love some inputs on cost of living as well... How is it like living in Toronto?
Compared to what?
Do not try and convert $ into Rs. when purchasing items.
Certain things you will find cheap and certain things you might find excessively expensive.
If you wish to share your daily allowance or monthly budget figures here, we can probably give you a better idea.

What I meant was that how much is enough for a family of husband-wife and a 9 month old infant? Living would not be too lavish and certainly not too full of misery!!! Housing would be paid by my company.

Of course, I won't be converting $'s to Rs., but just a brief idea about the cost of living? Like it is said that living in London, UK is costlier than living in New York, US. What about Toronto?

Thanks again for all your inputs, another set of reply is awaited!!!


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-08-07 08:29:14

Hey there indian_curry,
It is the otherway around. You are in India and you are calling us.That is what we call "Basackward".
We are here to help and let us see where we go with it. pratickm has give you a good rundown of things that you wantd to know. Since it is coming down in trickles, we are answering the same likewise.I can only supplement the same.
Commuting: 'If' you are based anywhere in the centre of Toronto, or even the outskirts, the area is well serviced by TTC or the Toronto transit commision. You can get a monthly pass from them and get back and forth on thier system many times a day. That includes your grocery runs too, it does not matter where they are situated 'in their serviced area'. Do get a map and the time tables or look into the tables over the net and plan your runs. You will love it.
Driving Licence: If you want to drive anywhere else internationally, you ought to obtain an International licence and it is a must. Please do get all of the traffic signs that they print and supply suitable to the different regions of the world. If you cannot get one through them, then, I will search the net and provide you with one here at a later date and time. (It is just like your Indian Rupee, it is only valid where it is in current use). International driver's llicence is also good for 90 days here from the time of landing. Please do not exced the time limit. But make sure of all of these prior to rental. Also cover yourself with good insurance, as we say here to the hilt. But you still have to bear the deductibles unless you also pay for that too by coverage. (Buyer beware). Those are the few bucks that are well spent and you sleep in peace.
Seasons: There are fouor seasons, Spring, summer, fall or autumn, and the winter. They come every three months after, on the 22nd or so of March, June, September and December. During the transition from one season to the next, we do have a lot of turbulance and that is what affects the little ones and the frail. The rugged youth bear it with grace and also shrug it off with a Brrrrr. So, doll yourselves up and the little one whenever you should. Also, If the temperture fluctuations are over 15 degrees with in a day or if it hits below 57F. Normal human beings like the 72F level very much. A sweater or a cardigan is the order of the day during these days. That is the minimum.
There are jackets that very light, that you do get here, and you don't feel that you are wearing anything heavy when you use them. You probably have experienced the temperature changes and the use of the same in DELHI also and be guided by that.
As regards the ELECTRONICS: buy and use those that are battery operated and rechargeable ones. That way you know that they are universal in use and will certainly provide you all of the comforts that you were used to and it is not bulky and it is portable. Currently they are getting compact and smaller and rugged too and can withstand all of the abuse they experience during the rough travels. Please buy the higher ends and those that are provided with Lithium Ion or Methyl Hydrate batteries, as they keep on working charge after charge. No need to look for batteries in a hurry in a new place.
Cost of Living: I did provide another desi with a list and it was just a few weeks ago and it might contain most of the answers that you are looking for and see it is sufficient for the current and you can explore and find the rest of the answers, in person, after landing.(Link)
http://www.canadiandesi.ca/search.php?q=chalu%20rice&forums=all&matchmessage=1&perpage=20&sortby=dateline&match=all&sort=DESC&viewby=t&action=display&submit=Go &
My crystal ball has run out of batteries since I left India and now I am looking for Dilithium Crystals and and i have to get back the foot hills and recharge, none available in this neck of the woods.
Hope this helps a little bit more and keeps your inquiring mind at ease. Is this enough or are you awaiting for another reply. I know... I know... there are more questions and you want more answers, they crop up from time to time. I do understand. But whenever you do get time go through these pages of the Canadian Desi, do explore and you will find all of these some where else. We just keep repeating to you guys over and over again. We have the patience and you don't have the time. If only.......


Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-08-07 18:24:24

Originally posted by ftfl
Also cover yourself with good insurance, as we say here to the hilt. But you still have to bear the deductibles unless you also pay for that too by coverage. (Buyer beware). Those are the few bucks that are well spent and you sleep in peace.

If you will only be renting a car occasionally, it might be cheaper to purchase insurance through them, only for the duration of the rental.
Getting your own insurance without any driving history for the entire duration of your stay might be very expensive.
Especially if you are living in Toronto, are not a PR and have no previous driving experience, you can expect to pay several hundreds of $$ per month just for liability and collision insurance.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-08-07 18:54:20

Originally posted by indian_curry

Hey Guys,

I am flying to kanaada which is commonly known as Canada to outside world for a couple of months on a short-term assignment. I would be working out of Toronto office of my company.

Where did you hear that Canada's name is kanaada?

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 37

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-08-07 19:32:27


Where did you hear that Canada's name is kanaada?

It seems that you don't speak Hindi.

Contributors: indian_curry(2) pratickm(2) Fido(2) ftfl(1) brown_bear(1) Vel1(1) jonav(1)

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