The CGI website mentions Monday,Aug 23 as a holiday for Onam on it's website. Does this mean that the consulate wil be closed? Do they observe Indian holidays by shutting down in Canada?
Needless to say, I tried calling them up but no one picks the phone. Would appreciate if somebody who has experienced this in the past gives their view-point.
Yes they do observe indian holidays in Canada. I had the same situation once, went there when they were closed for some Indian Holiday during a regular working day in Canada.
Do not go there on that day or you will waste your time.
Thanks for the input
They observe Indian holidays and Canadian holidays.
It's pretty standard practice for consulates.
The Canadian consulate in India closes for both Canadian and Indian holidays.
Of course, the fact that India has 550 religious occasions and holidays is another matter
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
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