India - Third Most Powerful Nation in World

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Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 427
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-10 21:54:13

Originally posted by MGupta

Originally posted by febpreet

Dil ke khush rakhney ko Ghalib yeh KHAYAL accha hey.

Keyword is 'KHAYAL' here!!

did you checked the source of this report ?:confused:
this report coming from #1

or just any positive news about india is not good????:D:D

The source of the report is US. I smell typical american propaganda with this. They want some favor from India so started buttering.
Positive about India make feel good. However one should be realistic.
If we see statistic India is No.3 in GDP.
But not in first 100 for Per Capita Income. This shows the income distribution is the worst.
And finally India can be no. 1 and that in population.

Member since: Sep 08
Posts: 220

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 11:05:34

if anyone is wondering of USA support for India, the only and only reason for it is trust , which china lacks, and in turn India gets it and is favoured by USA.
China and USA can never be friends period.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 11:57:50

Originally posted by ritz3645

if anyone is wondering of USA support for India, the only and only reason for it is trust , which china lacks, and in turn India gets it and is favoured by USA.
China and USA can never be friends period.

US interests is mostly based on self interest or selfishness. They support India to counter China and at the same time sell arms to pakistan to counter India and then try to keep Pakistan on short leash to counter terrorism in Afghanistan that was once upon a time supported by the US to counter the Soviets...........................

............... and the story goes on...............


Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 295

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 13:50:12

I have read with a great deal of interest, about how powerful a country, India is.

I guess we need to focus on becoming perfect or great, instead of becoming powerful. I think it is part of our culture to deflect ourselves from the real issues, and live on perceived glory, and power. Instead of becoming powerful - be it militarily, or otherwise, it would make sense to deal with these issues:

1) Place measures to limit population growth.
2) Bring inflation under control.
3) Root out corruption
4) Improve law and order situation, and amend the Indian penal code to reflect the realities of society today. (it dates back to 1860).
5) Make anyone with a criminal record ineligible to hold public office (like that of an MP, MLA or Minister).
6) Break the Politician-Criminal-Police nexus.
7) Stop the abuse of children - sexually and otherwise (there are an estimated 1.2 million children in the sex trade in India).
8)Make politicians ineligible to hold top posts in sports (like the Sports Authority of India, or the Indian Olympic committee or BCCI).
9) Bring about accountability in public life

This is a partial list.

DISCLAIMER: This is not to start or kindle a "WHICH-IS-GREATER-INDIA-OR-SOME-OTHER COUNTRY discussion.

India is great in some respects, like being one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with a rich history. India also is a country where dozens of cultures, religions co-exist.

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 15:46:14

How is this possible - they can't even organize Commonwealth games.

I am not even talking about World Cup (harder), or Olympics (even harder) ?

Originally posted by MGupta

India - Third Most Powerful Nation in World!!!" border="0" alt="" />

Hope India will become #1 in my lifetime:up::cheers:

Tue, Sep 21 11:57 AM
Washington, Sep 21 (IANS) India is listed as the third most powerful country in the world after the US and China and the fourth most powerful bloc after the US, China and the European Union in a new official US report.

The new global power lineup for 2010 also predicted that New Delhi's clout in the world will further rise by 2025, according to 'Global Governance 2025' jointly issued by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the US and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).

Using the insights of a host of experts from Brazil, Russia, India and China, among others, and fictionalised scenarios, the report illustrates what could happen over the next 25 years in terms of global governance.

In 2010, the US tops the list of powerful countries/regions, accounting for nearly 22 percent of the global power.

The US is followed by China with European Union at 16 percent and India at eight percent. India is followed by Japan, Russia and Brazil with less than five percent each.

According to this international futures model, by 2025 the power of the US, EU, Japan and Russia will decline while that of China, India and Brazil will increase, even though there will be no change in this listing.

By 2025, the US will still be the most powerful country of the world, but it will have a little over 18 percent of the global power.

The US will be closely followed by China with 16 percent, European Union with 14 percent and India with 10 per cent.

'The growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organisations and national governments to cope,' the report warns.

This critical turning point includes issues of climate change, ethnic and regional conflicts, new technology, and the managing of natural resources.

The report also highlights the challenges proponents of effective global governance face.

On one hand, rapid globalistion, economic and otherwise, has led to an intertwining of domestic politics and international issues and fueled the need for more cooperation and more effective leadership.

But on the other hand, an increasingly multipolar world, often dominated by non-state actors, have put a snag in progress toward effectual global governance, it said.</font>

Member since: May 06
Posts: 849

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 16:20:53

India's image was nothing 20 yrs ago and it was almost about to go bankrupt. Have patience and see what will happen in next 5-10 yrs. Picture will become more clear. CWG has nothing to with India's power. It can be seen that despite the poor management in CWG, no country will dare to refuse to participate in the games. That will prove what is the importance of India in today's world.

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-10 16:28:33

Yes, that's what they (Congress) have been telling us all this time (50 +) years.

They even made a statement "Our standard of cleanliness may be different from theirs"

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