Immigrants failing citizenship test

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Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-11-10 13:10:30

I heard a related interview on CBC radio yesterday, where a lady dealing with immigrants, had a long list of excuses why people are failing the test. Some of them included the inability of new immigrants to understand English and busy schedule.

IMO, you owe it to your adapted country to make an effort to learn the language, history and culture rather than rushing to get that "document of convenience".:down:

Member since: Oct 02
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Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-11-10 13:24:52

I am not surprised to read this -

“In the past, with the old test, some people would buy the answers from unofficial sources,” Ms. Shadd said in an e-mail.

“After paying for the answers, they would memorize them in order to pass the test. This accounted, in part, for a much higher pass rate.”

I remember there were some questions/answers available from website of the Public Library :)

And it is even more interesting to know that CIC will relax a bit in order to get the required percentage in range of 80-85%

Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...

Member since: Nov 08
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Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-11-10 19:01:11

We need to study this report very closely.

The failure (Maximum) was at Etobicoke followed by Surrey BC.

Then there were two others locations.

Hence the matter is really Desi immigrants are failing en masse.

Dr.Bikram Lamba recently mentioned that 75% of the marriages coming from Desi Land are fraudulent. In that 75% nearly 50% of the marriages end up in divorce.

Just look at the quality of postings on this very own site.

The language, grammar and other stuff has deteriorated in the last 5 years.

If the potential-new immigrant is of that quality what do you EXPECT.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Apr 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-12-10 09:53:05

Originally posted by Vandematram

Just look at the quality of postings on this very own site.

The language, grammar and other stuff has deteriorated in the last 5 years.

If the potential-new immigrant is of that quality what do you EXPECT.

Agree to certain extent, especially when posters shorten every word as if they are typing a telegram. But, on the whole, there is degradation of the language capability. I have seen CBC news headlines online where 'whether' is written as 'weather' and 'ensure' is written as 'insure' and so on. If journalism can be that pitiful, can't blame immigrants too much whose English is a second language.


Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-12-10 10:27:18

Originally posted by dimple2001

If journalism can be that pitiful, can't blame immigrants too much whose English is a second language.

IMO, it is not about the quality of the language, it is about laziness/indifference towards learning the language. If you are immigrating to Canada as a skilled worker, that is the first time you have to show your English skills. Should you come as a spouse/dependent, you have 3 years to atleast gather some working knowledge of English or French, and then go through the citizenship guide to get some primary knowledge about country. So familiarity with English language and some knowledge of Canadian history is must before you appear for the citizenship test.

The excuse give by the interviewee lady on CBC are not valid. I would rather have government ask immigrant to be tested twice or thrice before they can appear for the judge. Let the immigrants pay from their pocket for the test. There has a price to be paid to get citizenship privileges.

Member since: May 06
Posts: 849

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-12-10 10:34:04

Originally posted by Vandematram

We need to study this report very closely.

The failure (Maximum) was at Etobicoke followed by Surrey BC.

Then there were two others locations.

Hence the matter is really Desi immigrants are failing en masse.

Dr.Bikram Lamba recently mentioned that 75% of the marriages coming from Desi Land are fraudulent. In that 75% nearly 50% of the marriages end up in divorce.

Just look at the quality of postings on this very own site.

The language, grammar and other stuff has deteriorated in the last 5 years.

If the potential-new immigrant is of that quality what do you EXPECT.

Speed of life is getting fast. We have too many things to do and hence try to create shortcuts in every part of the life.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-12-10 11:53:51


Just look at the quality of postings on this very own site.

You don't need to be a literary genious to write on internet forums. Some people (assumingly) might have a less time to their disposal and hence you see the shortcuts in thier postings. However, in no way I am taking their side. I wonder if the same posters write using shortcuts in their professional communication. I highly doubt that.

Besides, the existing failure rate will further increase the citizenship wait times. Another aspect that we should keep in mind.

Knowing about Cdn history is alright. However, did someone check as to how many of Canadian born know about its history fully well? Moreover, what is the guarantee that one doesn't forget what they studied in these booklets after their citizenship exam. I believe most of the people still cram the pages before the test and then forget about it afterwords. So much for knowing the Canadian history.

Having said that I am no way advocating not to learn English when one is already in an English speaking country. Govt has already compromised enough with the immigrants to provide the department specific info in Punjabi, Mandarin, Hindi, Urdu, etc. Thats the height of political correctness and then the very same Govt cry hoarse for English. Hypocricy, anyone? To some extent, I like the Australian model better.

To the immigrants - suck it up and learn the local language. Period.

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