Hi - seniors please help,
I have a PR to Canada I've found a job in Toronto and will be moving from India pretty soon.
I had a few questions before I got my tickets done.
1. What documents will I need to start work in Canada? (I understand I'll need a. COPR, b. the landing proof they staple to my passport and c. SIN number)
2. Can I take my COPR and LANDING PROOF to get my SIN number and begin work, even before my SIN Card arrives?
3. Also, the job I've landed is a 10-week internship, which can graduate to a full employment based on my performance - does this mean I DON'T have to show proof of funds?
The exact documents required to start your job depends upon the type/size/professionalism of the organization you are getting into. Normally you need your SIN number and proof of Photo ID to start a job. ( even passport will do).
As soon as you land, you can straight away go the service Canada office and get a SIN number and from there you can go to your employment place to start the work .... if it is a place that insists SIN number before you start your work ...
Proof of funds needs to be shown when they ask .... it has nothing to do with your assured job etc.,
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