I was told by another desi that if a Canadian citizen gets the OCI status, they are not eligible for Canadian pension. I don't what it means.
Can someone please shed some light on the topic?
I agree with ashedfc but seeing the economy going the way it is, donot bet on these in the long term. For long term only your financial planning / real estate / Gold investment / investments in children and that too in large numbers would help.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Originally posted by tamilkuravan
I agree with ashedfc but seeing the economy going the way it is, donot bet on these in the long term. For long term only your financial planning / real estate / Gold investment / investments in children and that too in large numbers would help.
Originally posted by tamilkuravan
I agree with ashedfc but seeing the economy going the way it is, donot bet on these in the long term. For long term only your financial planning / real estate / Gold investment / investments in children and that too in large numbers would help.
Originally posted by ashedfc
No way,
Govt. Pension comprises of 3part -CPP; OAS & GIS
For CPP, its your contribution coming back to you, so you are entitled to get it where-ever you live.
For OAS (Old Age Security) & GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement), there's residency requirements you have to meet, to qualify & to continue to qualify..
OCI status, allows you to live in India for a prolonged duration (maybe for ever), so that prespective; if you live in India, than you may not meet the residency requirements of OAS/GIS.
Yes. Check my other post.
There is no minimum residency requirements to get the CPP where ever you are.
However you may need to be a Canadian citizen. That is a whole other ball game.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
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