At present Permanent Residents must have resided in Canada for at least three of the previous four years to qualify.
The Immigration Minister Chris Alexander have hinted that the government is thinking to increase the limit.
Alexander said it’s time to consider increasing the threshold.
“I think the balance of considerations is in favour of a longer requirement,” he said. “There’s only one way of truly understanding what it means to be Canadian, what it means to participate in Canadian life, and that is by living here.”
A Proud Indian Canadian
Anyway it take 4-5 years before one can get a Citizenship, so this will definitely make the total time to 7-8.
Hurat Honani Murat!
'Two out of THREE isn't bad'. There is a saying like this. DOUBLING IT??!!
But FOUR out of SIX... WAY TOO F!@#$%^* MUCH. Please do tell us the six sins.
It is the processing and delivery that makes it much more miserable. if you can go to a counter on the first day you complete your four years and get it on the spot, then I will say HIP HIP HURRAY. The current system is riddled with hassles and booby traps. Looks like and feels like winning a lottery.
For those using Canada as entry point to USA this might be the biggest discouragement. Otherwise those who wanted to settle down in Canada, this should be just fine.
Hurat Honani Murat!
Any idea when this bill will be tabled ? or generally when (which month) such bills are tabled ?
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