While going through various job search sites, and other discussions forum it is observed that job prospects are not all that very bright for immigrants, if that is the normal scenario are job prospect for 45+ still more bleak?
I understand there is no discrimination of sex and age for job market, but still the doubt persists.
Can someone local share more info on the issue.
Please check this link of http://www.jobpostcanada.com" rel="nofollow">LINK you can get usefull info
http://www.jobpostcanada.com" rel="nofollow">LINK
Hi Manish,
Can your site really answer the question asked?
A Proud Indian Canadian
Hi, Garvo Gujarati,
Nice to have traditional dressed garvo gujarati replying to queries , and trying to relieve anxiety off the would be immigrants.
I need to specifically ask your opinion on the issue of jobs for 45+, whether to go for jobs or that there does exist better options for starting small business around GTA.
I am from Mumbai, due to migrate in 2-3 mths time, I've done business for > 20 years except for last 3 years,
What in your opinion can work for someone like me?
Whenever you experience joy, peace, security, equanimity or purity, it is only because you are aligned with ALMIGHTY.
It is really hard to get job for persons above 45. We have one strong desi member - Chandresh. He has often expressed this own experiences with his own words and it clearly leads to the answer that - though they don't ask for your age, you might be discriminated.
For immigrants it would be tough, when it comes to find a job with that age. One being an experience behind you. It is so hugh that the employer is not going to offer a junior level job, even though you are willing start from anywhere.
This is my personal opinion.
Let Chandresh Speak on this more.
In Toronto more than 90 percent retails shops are owned by desis and chinese, so there is nothing wrong with it.
A Proud Indian Canadian
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