HI Guys,
I will be completing 3 years March 29th 04 and I will be applying for Canadian Citizenship. However I would wish to retain my India citizenship as well. Could you guide me once I get my Canadian Citizenship formalities done ( Guess should be within a year from March 29th), what is the next procedure for the retaining the Indian citizenship.
My Indian Passport has a maiden surname, landing papers have both maiden and married surname and all my documentation in Canada dropped my maiden surname. In Canada I have no problem with the name issue but wonder what issues will arise when i get to the indian consulate. The reason why i did not change my name in india were all the tedious procedures and lack of time as I used to go down to india just for a short trip after gettign married.
As per my knowledge you have to surrender your current Indian Passport once you get citizenship of any other country. Than you have to apply for dual citizenship. Once you get that one, you can again apply for Indain Passport (That is going to be completely different than what you have right now)
A Proud Indian Canadian
yeah.... probably with some other cover color (not blue).
I would like it if it is multi-colored (saffron,white and green)
When u go to apply for a indian visa using ur Canadian passport, u have to submit ur indian passport as well, and they stamp a couple of pages as CANCELLED, and give u back the passport.
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