Just want to know if Canadian consulate rejects visitor visa for parents of permanent resident.
US is known to reject visas for multiple reasons like no job or low salary or possible settlement by applicant or sometime for no reason.
I want to know if Canadians do the same?
Originally posted by telkikar
Just want to know if Canadian consulate rejects visitor visa for parents of permanent resident.
US is known to reject visas for multiple reasons like no job or low salary or possible settlement by applicant or sometime for no reason.
I want to know if Canadians do the same?
**Deleted by Moderator**
1) Don't try to pull an illegal fast one on the govt., it'll eventually catch up with you.
2) Despite that, if you still want to break the law, that's your call. Don't post such suggestions on Canadiandesi though.
Speech by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times....
"When we were young kids growing up in America, we were told to eat our
vegetables at dinner and not leave them. Mothers said, 'think of the
starving children in India and finish the dinner.' And now I tell my
children: 'Finish your maths homework. Think of the children in India
who would make you starve, if you don't.'"
I guess my income is acceptable but not sure about my inlaws.They have agriculture land and house but job is not so good(clerical job) so not sure if that matters.
It should not be a problem. They have enough assets to show ties with the country. Also when you are supporting them during their stay of 6 months and air tickets, they may sail through by showing only reasonable amount of savings in their banks and assets etc.
I think they have an even chance. Do not worry, just complete the documentation part meticulously. They should have an idea how to answer interview questions, they would be OK.
Thanks LD
Desi Lion
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