I was wondering if you travel by British Airlines from Delhi to Toronto, do you need transit visa for travelling via London on PR visa. Can you get into any trouble if you dont have one? Thanks
I travelled from India to Canada on a PR Card (before with a PR Visa). I didn't need to apply for a transit visa. I think you could double confirm from UK website.
Originally posted by rinky
I was wondering if you travel by British Airlines from Delhi to Toronto, do you need transit visa for travelling via London on PR visa. Can you get into any trouble if you dont have one? Thanks
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
12 Hours tranist at a UK/London airport does not require a transit visa. More than 12 hours transit time in UK/London requires a Transit visa. Check w/ the airline for more details. This is for visit without PR card. With PR Card refer to details in the below mentioned post.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
If you have a PR card you get temporary visa on arrival at UK for 24 hours. I got it several times. Double check with British Airays and ask them to check TIM. its a system all airlines have access to and gives you latest rules for transit etc,
Based on my friend's experience who landed in Canada via London just with PR Visa and returned back to India via Frankfurt (without obtaining PR Card, coz he returned just in 3 days afer landing). Neither London nor Frankfurt required a Transit visa... I think he called the British and German consulates, confirmed and then travelled.
This is just about six months back and I doubt things might have changed. I recommend you to give a call to British Consulate and German Consulate to confirm the same... Just for the peace of mind...
Wish you good luck with your Landing...
Originally posted by paramhams03
I plan to land in Canada along with my family in the last week of July2006. My wife will be returning to India in about a week's time.If she travels through London or Frankfurt would she be asked to get a transit visa at these airports while returning from Canada without a PR card. Can somebody kindly clarify?
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
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