help with interview

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Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 47
Location: heart

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-07-06 15:03:09

one of my freinds had applied in buffalo and she has been called for interview

since she has no lawyer /consultant.she doesnt knw what will be asked in the interview ..
can anyone help in this as to why an applicant is called in interview
she came here as student and has a one year work permit and now she is studying .
what kind of questions will she asked?

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 313
Location: hubbards NS

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-07-06 07:25:56

1. she should ask for her caip notes- this will tell her why exactly they have called her
2. all original papers that she submitted during application.
3. if any qualifications have been added
4. if she has a job offer - will go a long way.
5. refrance letter from her previous employers.

6.what she is doing currently.
7. she should dress as she does when she goes for a job interview- remember that she needs to make a positive immpression on the interviewer.
8.if she has family here- that is helpfull. of luck
10- caip notes will tell her a lot.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 47
Location: heart

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-07-06 21:33:40

Originally posted by Janmeja

1. she should ask for her caip notes- this will tell her why exactly they have called her
2. all original papers that she submitted during application.
3. if any qualifications have been added
4. if she has a job offer - will go a long way.
5. refrance letter from her previous employers.

6.what she is doing currently.
7. she should dress as she does when she goes for a job interview- remember that she needs to make a positive immpression on the interviewer.
8.if she has family here- that is helpfull. of luck
10- caip notes will tell her a lot.

thanks a lot
i think she has a arranged employer..
what kind of impact will that have?
how will the relatives help..she has mother's sister here!!

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