hello friends,
I applied for PR at New delhi office in Jan 2004. After that, i migrated to the UK for couple of years and then came to Canada on study permit for doing my ph.d. I have 3 years study permit on my passport now. The waiting period they gave to me (44 months) gets over in August 2007, after 3 months. I havnt updated anything in the CHC, New delhi since my application....
My query is
1)should i update my corresponding address to Canada or let it be the indian one? I heard that an immigration officer has power to transfer the file if thinks (without you requesting it) in my case he/she might tranfer it to the US(which will make the application start from scratch) and which i dont want.... is that true?
2)secondly, once i get approval, will they ask me to submit my passports for the landing visa? I understand that i will get the immigration papers and will go to the US-canada border to get the passport stamped, as i dont need a landing visa for canada!!!!
any other tips r appreciated as well
Originally posted by parry78in
hello friends,
I applied for PR at New delhi office in Jan 2004. After that, i migrated to the UK for couple of years and then came to Canada on study permit for doing my ph.d. I have 3 years study permit on my passport now. The waiting period they gave to me (44 months) gets over in August 2007, after 3 months. I havnt updated anything in the CHC, New delhi since my application....
My query is
1)should i update my corresponding address to Canada or let it be the indian one? I heard that an immigration officer has power to transfer the file if thinks (without you requesting it) in my case he/she might tranfer it to the US(which will make the application start from scratch) and which i dont want.... is that true?
2)secondly, once i get approval, will they ask me to submit my passports for the landing visa? I understand that i will get the immigration papers and will go to the US-canada border to get the passport stamped, as i dont need a landing visa for canada!!!!
any other tips r appreciated as well
Sukhwinder Singh
1) according to new rules, you(the applicant) cannot transfer the file by his own wish!!! it is upto the officer to decide whether he should transfer the file or not.................. thats on the official immi. website...
2) thankz for answer this query
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