A new three year pilot project has been created, called the Canadian Immigrant Integration project in Asia, for the benefit of new immigrants in Delhi, Hong Kong and Manila and in August starting in Gujarat, Punjab and Beijing.
The goal of this project is "to help foreign trained professionals assimilate into the society in a location where they would like to settle down and in their profession by connecting them with suitable employers prior to their arrival into Canada and they can hit the ground running upon arrival"
The Immigrants will meet with councillors at the overseas offices to device a settlement plan while they are still waiting for their medical clearance to immigrate, instead of wasting time and money doing their research prior to and after landing in Canada. "It is better for them to be forewarned and forearmed than come and be disappointed" they say.
Preparations prior to arrival for the new comers not only permits them to time their arrivals into the new country and environment, by first learning the languages, mode and usage of the transportation systems and the infrastructures, and the banking facility, they also will be able to identify their shortcomings in their fields of study and take some responsive courses and studies before they leave thier native country. They will find this to be useful and necessary as many new comers face delays when they need to get their credentials assessed after their arrival here. The councillors will provide them with proper help and guidance to the arriving immigrants in advance.
This program is dubbed CIIP {ciip.accc.ca} is delivered by the Association of the Canadian Community Colleges here in Canada. It includes a day long workshop in the home country divided by profession or the province of settlement at the destination, followed by a ninety minutes of one-on-one counselling.
Since its January inception 1,000 Skilled Immigrants have voluntarily participated and have learned about the country Canada, Canadian Labour Markets, skills in demand in various regions, licensing procedures and requirements and how to hook up with career bridging programs.
I find that we in Canadian Desi can provide them with a compendium of information, but the individual needs and answers to questions for each and everyone cannot be provided to them on the spot to make their decision as everyone has a question unique to their situation. Also the needs will vary and situations do change from time to time. So, please obtain a phone number at the location that you visit for future contact and an e-mail link to a councillor at that loccation for you to correspond with.
CIIP is also trying to bring National Employers on board to connect New Comers with fellow professionals and also do on line mentoring to the Newer aspirants. Is Canada doing its best, I think so, at least for a start.
I really like the information you provide on your thread. I found it on Google.com while doing a search on this subject.
This is very good program and now one should attend this before coming to Canada.
This is further splitted into two session, Part I is information and Part II is one to one ...
hi friends
i am going to land in toronto in the month of march with wife and kid.
what utensils should i bring with me? what important things should i bring to canada?
Originally posted by nucman
hi friends
i am going to land in toronto in the month of march with wife and kid.
what utensils should i bring with me? what important things should i bring to canada?
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