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premlata s kambli   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 56
Location: mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 04:58:44

Dear desi,

can I have some valuable guide line from u.

we made an entry in july 2005 ..left after one month with all our paper work done. We plan to re- enter country by mid june permenantly
unfortunetly my husband had an heart attack and done angioplasty.

can u please aswer our few query?

my pr is valid till july 2010

according to law while renewal of pr we need to complite 2 yrs. now I am so confused because if we don't make an entry then not eligable to renew our pr and I don't want to loose status.

Is't ok if we make entry in another few month and instead renewing pr once complite 1000 days apply for passport.

I couldn't find any expiry date on sim card so can we work once our pr is expire.

What about medical r they give regular appointment for follow up check up
and medicine.

Thank you


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 17:20:10

Originally posted by premlata s kambli

Dear desi,

can I have some valuable guide line from u.

we made an entry in July 2005 ..left after one month with all our paper work done. We plan to re- enter country by mid June permanently
unfortunately my husband had an heart attack and done angioplasty.

can u please answer our few query?

my pr is valid till July 2010

according to law while renewal of pr we need to complete 2 yrs. now I am so confused because if we don't make an entry then not eligible to renew our pr and I don't want to loose status.

Is't ok if we make entry in another few month and instead renewing pr once complete 1000 days apply for passport.

I couldn't find any expiry date on sim card so can we work once our pr is expire.

What about medical r they give regular appointment for follow up check up
and medicine.

Thank you



Hi Prem,

Very sorry to hear that your husband had a heart attack. Wish him a quick recovery.

Your PR is valid till July 2010. You are correct.

You are also correct in your judgment in wanting to return and continue where you left off. You will not loose out on this as you have a month in your first attempt and ample time available to you to meet the two year requirement also.

Moving and shifting residences and also into a new country is a very big decision.
Yes you can come here in a couple of months and fill in the 730 days and wait till you build up the 1000 days for your Canadian Citizenship, and then apply for the Citizenship. Only thing is that you will not have proper documents and a Valid PR card to travel or carry it on person, if you leave it unattended. So think about it as a disadvantage. So, try and renew the P.R.Card with an application, 30 days prior to its expiry. That will be good for another five years after July 2010, which is, up until July 2015. The citizenship and the Passports are currently moving very slowly and the wait is too long now. Hence the suggestion for the renewal of the P.R.Card.

You must mean your Maple Leaf Card. If you take a look on the reverse, you will see the date of entry stamped in there. Expiry of the same will be five years hence. Please check.

After you enter and obtain your Medical Card, if it is Ontario, it will be OHIP. You wait for the first 90 days and then it becomes activated. You can look for a family physician in the first ninety days, near by where you make your home and consult him for all your requirements and health concerns. Try and cover yourself for the first 90 days with separate insurance policy. Also note that there is no coverage from all of the insurance companies for the Doctor's Visits and it is on your own. So, keep them to a minimum and hold it if you can. It is a judgment call. But don't take any risks.
If you are asking if there is another check up required through the Immigration, No, they do not ask for one, since you already had one before 2005 and it was O.K.ed by them.

The first four or five months here will be really warm and nice and will help in settling down and also with the recovery period, so, get the most out of it and get your best foot forward and move on in life here.

All the best to you and the family.


premlata s kambli   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 56
Location: mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-03-08 06:40:54

Thank u very much Mr. freddie for your valuable reply.
My husband is back home after anioplasty and doing fine since only one artery was block here in dubai thing done so quick. only he has to take some medication regularly. even he can travel after 3 months so incase if we are a month late to renew my pr will be fine.
we already got our medical card last time since we stayed for month and it's valid till Aug 2009. what about medicine and hospital visit with ohip card do we need to pay.
thank u

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-03-08 09:38:54

Hi Prem,

I am happy for you that you have your OHIP card.
Since you were away, longer than seven months, more than 214 days, there is another wait time of 90 days, before you can use it and get the benefits from it.
So, be guided by the wait period.

After 90 days it covers the Doctor's and Hospital visits and also the tests that you might need.

For normal Over The Counter medicines and the Prescription Drugs that your husband takes, you will have to pay for them, up until you both will be of the age 65. After that the coverage for the SENIOR's kicks in. At that time you only pay an annual fee of $100.00 once a year and a small dispensing fee for each prescription.

Once you start work, most of the good employers have all the coverage through a Drug Plan of theirs and you can find out more about them after you start working here with a nice company. If you need private coverage there are other insurers that provide you with it too. So, there is coverage for people who want it, but they piggy back on top of the OHIP, which means that you need the OHIP in place and active.


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-03-08 19:08:38

Hi Prem,

This is just a follow up procedure about OHIP, and this is to be done after you return back to Canada. Try and do the same as soon as you land here.

Whenever there is a change of address, in your case after you return if your address changes, you have to inform the OHIP with your new address. They will ask for a lot of the identification papers and please have them ready when you do this. This will bring about a change in the system and they will assign you with a new card with small changes in it. That goes for each member in the family.

Here is the :!ut/p/.cmd/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/7_0_252/_s.7_0_A/7_0_252/_l/en?docid=STEL02_040290

This information will help you in the long run.

With regards,


premlata s kambli   
Member since: Feb 06
Posts: 56
Location: mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-03-08 00:41:53

Thank u very much Mr. freddie

last time I stayed in missassauga but now my friend will arrange apartment for me in etobicoke so as soon we will be back try to take a new ohip can u suggest any insurance. can u guide me what addess I should put for my goods what we going send through sea cargo from dubai
thank u

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-03-08 01:33:01

Originally posted by premlata s kambli

Thank u very much Mr. freddie

last time I stayed in Mississauga but now my friend will arrange apartment for me in Etobicoke so as soon we will be back try to take a new ohip. can u suggest any insurance. can u guide me what address I should put for my goods what we going send through sea cargo from Dubai
thank u


Ask your friend who is arranging the Apartment, if you can provide as "CARE OF HIS ADDRESS". If he agrees that simplifies the matter.
Otherwise, being under the British Law, you can certainly ask that it be addressed to "The CONSIGNEE". i.e Your Good Name. (Without quoting any law pertaining to the term consignee - obiter dictum) That eliminates your need for an address here in Canada. But, please 'do not loose' the WAY BILL. The papers that the shipping agent will provide you with after the shipment. I am under the impression that you will be shipping the same prior to your departure. You will have the Way Bill with you after shipment. You just present the papers and proper ID and collect the same or hire an agent to do the clearance for you with you being present. (Consignee being present)

Please Insure the goods for the value paid. (Some of the goods may be less expensive to purchase today, so be choosy in your selection and also add the cost incurred in shipping)

IMPORTANT: Please make and retain a copy for yourselves for your custom declaration here at the time of landing, at the POE, when you make your re-entry and the declaration of goods to follow.

The Health Insurance that you want to have, can be purchased at your end from any travel agent, if it is available. The costs will be the same or there about and for a 90 day period the difference will not be much. Try the same at your location.
There are three good companies here and I will provide them to you by another post, separate to this posting at a later date. The coverage from the Canadian sources, here will be minimal from these three Insurers for the first 90 days. I will verify the same from them when I give you the list. Here it will be about $8 per day or there abouts per individual. ($720 for 90 days+/-)

Hope you find this useful.


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