Help Required in PR application. Few queries.

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Member since: May 07
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-03-08 22:13:07


I am presently living and working in Vancouver, Canada on a Post Graduate work permit. I would now like to apply for PERMANENT RESIDENCE in Canada under the Federal Skilled worker class.
I am married and my wife is back home doing her Masters in Delhi,India. Is it possible for me to apply for PR for just myself right now and pay PR fee for one Person for now? Although i would like to include her in my application and sponsor her later when my PR comes. Please let me know how shall i go about it? I have already downloaded and filled up the required forms. I also understand that I have to include her in my application and She will have to fill up these two forms :

1. Additional Family Information form
2. Schedule 1/ Background Declaration Form.

I have sent the forms back to her in email as PDF format. She has filled up the forms and now i want to know if its acceptable if she prints the forms, scans them and email the completed & signed forms to me and I take print outs here in Canada and use those print outs for application? This will cut down the time in mailing the hard copies from India.

Other than that I have two doubts:

1. In the main form : APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA . There is a column saying:

How many family members(including myself) are included in this application for permanent residence in Canada?

So, In my case since I am applying for just myself now but I still intend to include her in my application and sponsor her later when my PR comes. So shall I write 2 here or 1?

This is the confusion. Kindly throw some light on this please.

2. On the second page of APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA . There is a column saying:

Will accompany you to Canada Yes No

In my case what will apply? I do want her to join me later in Canada. It's just that at this point I am applying for PR for one person , me being the Primary applicant.

These are two doubts other than the queries I have asked above.Kindly let me know. Eagerly waiting for your reply.


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-03-08 22:51:53


Please obtain the originals and submit all of the papers together. Make a check list and keep copies of the submission. {items 1) Additional Family Information and 2) Schedule 1/ Background information} This will make sure that there are no hiccups.

According to your statement here it will be ONE. Because you want to pay for one individual for the entry and you are deferring her sponsorship to a later date.

Since you are not sponsoring her nor paying for her PR, only YOU will be crossing the borders and returning as a PR, when it gets approved. Hence it will be ONE, ie., you.

Please note that I do respect your actions and choices. Also I do not know the circumstances that go with them.

Hope this clears the cobwebs.


Member since: May 07
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-08 02:09:04


Ok. then i guess its best that she fills up her forms in india and mails them to me.
all the originals.
thanks for clearing the doubts. the reason i am doing this is that I have been offered a job in Europe but I want to apply for PR and then leave canada as i do intend to come back to canada eventually. the project in europe is till august 2009
and hopefully by that time my PR will arrive. So when my PR comes i will sponsor my spouse. And she is joining me in europe.

Another thing i wanted to ask was:

. On the second page of APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA . There is a column saying:

Will accompany you to Canada Yes No

In my case what will apply? I do want her to join me later in Canada. It's just that at this point I am applying for PR for one person , me being the Primary applicant.

Kindly let me know. Eagerly waiting for your reply. I really appreciate your response and time you took to write this reply.


Member since: Mar 08
Posts: 9
Location: Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-08 09:48:40

Hey there,

How is working in Vancouver? i loved the city, and i would like to actually live there although i know it is very expensive. what job are you doing?

To be honest, you should include your spouse in your application because it takes hte same time to process, and if you are leaving anyways then you might as well include her in the application. You need to prove that you have atleast $20,000 to support the two of you. so if you have that then just go for it. i have students that have done it alone, and then got married, and it has taken them more than a year to get it for hteir spouse, but htose that got married before they applied got it at the same time for both.

It is up to you what you want to do . I don't think because of $150 you should give away this chance. Since you are leaving, do you miind telling me what job you are doing as i am also on a PG workpermit and will be applying for PR soon, but the prob is i don't know what to do between the time my Permit ends and i get my PR? my options are quite limited at this point

> masters - would love to do this, but i was so busy at work and working overtime with no pay and stress that i did not check the deadlines. the only available uni is uni of victoria in BC. the rest all deadlines have passed for intl students.
> work > i'm looking for a job any help would be appreciated! but they company has to sponsor me.

Any ohter suggestions?


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-08 12:40:34

Originally posted by digitalworkshop


O.k. then i guess its best that she fills up her forms in India and mails them to me.
all the originals.
thanks for clearing the doubts. the reason i am doing this is that I have been offered a job in Europe but I want to apply for PR and then leave Canada as i do intend to come back to Canada eventually. the project in Europe is till august 2009
and hopefully by that time my PR will arrive. So when my PR comes i will sponsor my spouse. And she is joining me in Europe.

Another thing i wanted to ask was:

. On the second page of APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA . There is a column saying:

Will accompany you to Canada Yes No

In my case what will apply? I do want her to join me later in Canada. It's just that at this point I am applying for PR for one person , me being the Primary applicant.

Kindly let me know. Eagerly waiting for your reply. I really appreciate your response and time you took to write this reply.




For a minute I lost you there.

Now reading between the lines, I see a hint that you are being employed by a local company and they need your skills in EUROPE. Am I Correct?
If not, then, "THE PERMIT" that you are renewing through Immigration Canada, will let you go abroad and work, while your application from within Canada gets processed? Am I correct?
Now do tell me, how are you going to cross the Canadian border and get your stamping done, if you are not here within Canada?
If this process gets completed with in the next twelve months and you will not be returning back for the next 18 months, do you have a back up here for you, who will keep you up-to-date with the scenery?
Since you have to come back for all of this, make sure that you are provided with a 'break' by those that employ you in Europe, whenever you need it.

Greenspan said "Irrational Exuberance" ! I don't have a proper term for what you are doing and hence I will leave it at that.

"Meanwhile back at the ranch", or as we say back to business, in the page 2 :
Having provided them with all of the details of the family, they are NOW ASKING, would you like them to get into Canada "Together with you"?
The question that you have to answer is "ARE THEY". ?
If so, then, they will set the process into motion. Now will you pay all of the fees? whenever it calls for. Will you look after them here in Canada after they arrive here in Canada? and there are many more questions associated with this. Let me get the most important ones first. See if you can answer truthfully to yourself. Don't forget that those who are following you will have ample time on their hands to choose a date and come back later OR come into Canada TOGETHER with you. If I were to venture a guess, it will all "GEL" within the next twelve months, after your application gets in and you get a file number.

Now get your priorities organized, as we say "Get all your ducks in a row". Write it on a chalk board and stand far and read them. If you don't understand, scratch your head a few times, and then think and see if you come up with a good plan. I am sure you will!!

Looks like I am beating you to get all of the information (Truth) out of you. That is not my intent. It feels that way.

Now pull up your socks, tug on your jock straps and the suspenders, put your best foot forward and do the things that you have to do.

Hope I have inspired you enough without hurting you.

And, Good Luck to you and the Missus.


Member since: May 07
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-08 14:47:38

Hi freddie,

No no, its not a local canadian company that has hired me in europe. Its a european company that has hired me. The idea is since the money is really good and the profile will become better as the project is big and will help me thrust my career forward then why not go ahead and get some european experience!
Meanwhile...let the process of PR application take place. I want to apply for PRand leave. I am not applying for any renewal of my work permit. Anyways my Post Grad. work permit is expiring in July end.
I have a canadian family and they are like close friends and like family in fact.
So do you suggest appointing them as my representative? Although the mailing address in my application is theirs only. So they will be informing me and keeping me up to date with any developments.
I really didnt get the phrase "Irrational Exuberance". will google for it?
And please guide me for now what shall i fill up here on the second page of APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA . There is a column saying:

Will accompany you to Canada Yes No

Since I am mentioning ONE on first page where it asks How many family members(including myself) are included in this application for permanent residence in Canada?
So will it be yes or no? I will be paying fee for one person at the moment(myself).

I will mention to my potential employer in Europe that I might require a "break" when they call me to canada for the stamping and all other formalities.

I know its like bit complicated...but right now this is what I have to do. Grab this opportunity to work in EU, gain European experience. I am a Visual Effects artist and i work on Tv Shows and this project in Europe is for a FILM and thats why I am keen to grab it as after this project when i come back to canada i can command a better job, profile and salary. At the same time since i studied here in canada and worked for one year I also do not want to lose my base in Canada. this is the whole idea.

Member since: May 07
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-03-08 15:08:23


Working and living in vancouver is great! though Toronto is still my first love!
Yes! thats one thing...its crazily, insanely expensive and getting more expensive day by day... I am a 3d artist in to Visual effects industry.

No, if you are on a work permit(arranged employment) you DO NOT have to show $20,000. I have read the guide properly so i am pretty sure of that.

Regarding including her in my application, She is filling up Two of the fours forms I am also filling up. So automatically the spouse is included in the application. Its just that I am paying fee for just myself. When my PR comes then I can sponsor my wife.

No its not money thats stopping me from applying for PR for both of us. She might do her P.Hd from here in UBC or SFU when she arrives.

which field are you in? Do some networking. hunt on job sites. spread the word among friends. Get after it like anything and you will get a new job soon. Thats what i did...didnt knock the doors...i barged in...and said..."HIRE ME" thats the best thing you can do!

nah....what i mean is..get fired up, geared up and just go for it....

Best of luck! Calculate your points. I am relaxed as i have enough points plus my wife also has 19 years of education plus work experience. So i am sure things wil "GEL" together as freddie said. its just a matter of time.

thanks. and i hope it helps.


Originally posted by Dhadkan

Hey there,

How is working in Vancouver? i loved the city, and i would like to actually live there although i know it is very expensive. what job are you doing?

To be honest, you should include your spouse in your application because it takes hte same time to process, and if you are leaving anyways then you might as well include her in the application. You need to prove that you have atleast $20,000 to support the two of you. so if you have that then just go for it. i have students that have done it alone, and then got married, and it has taken them more than a year to get it for hteir spouse, but htose that got married before they applied got it at the same time for both.

It is up to you what you want to do . I don't think because of $150 you should give away this chance. Since you are leaving, do you miind telling me what job you are doing as i am also on a PG workpermit and will be applying for PR soon, but the prob is i don't know what to do between the time my Permit ends and i get my PR? my options are quite limited at this point

> masters - would love to do this, but i was so busy at work and working overtime with no pay and stress that i did not check the deadlines. the only available uni is uni of victoria in BC. the rest all deadlines have passed for intl students.
> work > i'm looking for a job any help would be appreciated! but they company has to sponsor me.

Any ohter suggestions?


Contributors: digitalworkshop(12) ftfl(10) Dhadkan(1)

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