Now it is CityTV.........

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Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-12-08 01:05:36

Just watched Gord Martineau's program on major internatinoal newsmakers of 2008.

As per CityTV, a couple of gunmen's carried out attacks on Taj and VT while Pakistan suffered it's worst terrorist attack in Marriott blast.

Until what extent has to India suffer so that the world can brand those ten attackers as terrorists?

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 121

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-12-08 12:30:18


Lets not get mad at people who report them as mere gunmen. Instead lets get even with these terrorists, their supporters, and their sympathisers. I have started boycotting all paki made goods even if they are sold in shops owned by Indians. After work, I bring this issue up with my white colleagues and make them understand our plight. Ultimately they may laugh about it, but I dont care, because even if I open 1 out of ten people's eyes it is still a step forward. I dont know as a common man what else to do to match the paki propoganda machinery.
I urge all Indians to do the same. Infact, I urge any Indian grocery or any store owners in this forum not buy or resell their products. I do not know if this really has any ultimate effect or not. But I will do it from my end anyhow. Otherwise I think I dont even have the right to complain about this burning issue.
I wish there was a pope like personality who could guide us. I wish there was some organisation to ignite our feelings collectively so we all could influence the world to look at this issue from our perspective, just like the way Jews have been going about their cause. I wish our propaganda was equally venomous and viscous as that of the Pakis.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-12-08 01:35:24

Originally posted by meghal

Until what extent has to India suffer so that the world can brand those ten attackers as terrorists?

The world has already branded them as terrorists. It's just the stupid Canadian TV, you need to watch it a little less I guess.

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