OSCAR : SDM - Mallu's Rule !

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 00:52:48

Mallu's rule.

A. :cheers: Rasool Pukutty for sound:cheers: .

This guy did not have electricity in his home till his 12th grade. He studied under road light. He goes onto win the OSCAR !.

Fantastic speech where he placed India right and square/upfront. He remarked that India and its civilization gave OM to the world.

A scientific explanation to the Gayathri Mantra:

> *Om** bhur bhuvah swah: *Bhur*: the earth, *bhuvah*: the planets (solar family),*swah*: the Galaxy.
We observe that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900rpm
moves, it makes noise. Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be
created when the galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second.
This is what this portion of the mantra explains that the sound produced due
to the fast-moving earth, planets and galaxies is Om. The sound was heard during meditation by Rishi Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to other colleagues. All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om the
name of God, because this sound is available in all the three periods of
time, hence it is Sat (permanent). Therefore, it was the first ever
revolutionary idea to identify formless God with a specific title form called
Upadhi.Until that time, everybody recognized God as formless and
nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. In the Gita also, it is
said, \\\"Om iti ekaksharam brahma\\\", meaning that the name of the
Supreme is Om , which contains only one syllable. This sound Om heard during samadhi was called by all the seers nada-brahma ( a very great noise), but not a noise that is normally beyond a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to human hearing. Hence the rishis called this sound Udgith musical sound of the above, i.e., heaven. They also noticed that the infinite
mass of galaxies moving with a velovity of 20,000 miles per second was
generating a kinetic energy = ½ mv2 and this was balancing the total energy
consumption of the cosmos. Hence they named it Pranavah, which means the body (vapu) or store house of energy (prana).

> *Tat savitur varenyam:*

*Tat*: that (God), *savitur*: the Sun (star), *varenyam*:
worthy of bowing or respect. Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate the specific person. Hence the two titles
(upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify the formless God, Vishvamitra
suggested. He told us that we could know (realize) the unknowable
formless God through known factors, viz., sound Om and light of Suns (stars). A mathematician can solve an equation x2 + y2 = 4; if x = 2; then y can be known and so on. An engineer can measure the width of a river even by
standing at the river bank just by drawing a triangle. So was the scientific
method suggested by Vishwamitra in the mantra in the next portion as under:-

> *Bhargo devasya dheemahi:*
*Bhargo*: the light, *devasya*: of the deity, *dheemahi* : we should meditate. The rishi instructs us to meditate upon the
available form (light of Suns) to discover the formless Creator (God). Also he wants us to do japa of the word Om (this is understood in the Mantra).
This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a great problem to
realize it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that without the grace
of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence Vishwamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under:

> *Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat:*
*Dhiyo*: intellect, *yo*: who, *nah*: we all, *prachodayat*: guide to right direction. O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path.

> *Full scientific interpretation of the Mantra:*

The earth (*bhur*), the planets (*bhuvah*), and the galaxies (*swah*) are moving at a very great velocity, the sound produced is *Om*(the name of formless God). That God (*tat*), who manifests Himself in the form of light of Suns (*savitur*) is worthy of bowing/respect(*varenyam*). We all, therefore, should meditate (*dheemahi*) upon the light (*bhargo*) of that deity (*devasya*) and also do chanting of Om. May He (*yo*) guide in right direction (*prachodayat*) our (*nah*) intellect (*dhiyo*).

We notice that the important points hinted in the mantra
*1. **The total kinetic energy generated by the
movement of galaxies acts as umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to ½ mv2 (Mass of galaxies x velocity2).*

*2. **Realizing the great importance of the syllable Om, the other
later-date religions adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., amen and ameen.*

*3. **The God could be realized through the saguna (gross) upasana
(method), i.e.,*By chanting the name of the Supreme as Om and by meditating upon the light emitted by stars (Suns).*


B.:cheers: A.R.Rahman - Original Score and Best Song:cheers: .

Malayalee born as Dilip, converted to Islam. He started working when he wa 8 to support his family as his father a Malayalam music director died at a very young age.

Thanked God in Tamil by saying \\\"All Praises to one and only God !\\\".

:clap: MALLU'S ROCK !.:clap:

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 01:10:33

Originally posted by Vandematram

Mallu's rule.

A. :cheers: Rasool Pukutty for sound:cheers: .

This guy did not have electricity in his home till his 12th grade. He studied under road light. He goes onto win the OSCAR !.

Fantastic speech where he placed India right and square/upfront. He remarked that India and its civilization gave OM to the world.

A scientific explanation to the Gayathri Mantra:

> *Om** bhur bhuvah swah: *Bhur*: the earth, *bhuvah*: the planets (solar family),*swah*: the Galaxy.
We observe that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900rpm
moves, it makes noise. Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be
created when the galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second.
This is what this portion of the mantra explains that the sound produced due
to the fast-moving earth, planets and galaxies is Om. The sound was heard during meditation by Rishi Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to other colleagues. All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om the
name of God, because this sound is available in all the three periods of
time, hence it is Sat (permanent). Therefore, it was the first ever
revolutionary idea to identify formless God with a specific title form called
Upadhi.Until that time, everybody recognized God as formless and
nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. In the Gita also, it is
said, \\\"Om iti ekaksharam brahma\\\", meaning that the name of the
Supreme is Om , which contains only one syllable. This sound Om heard during samadhi was called by all the seers nada-brahma ( a very great noise), but not a noise that is normally beyond a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to human hearing. Hence the rishis called this sound Udgith musical sound of the above, i.e., heaven. They also noticed that the infinite
mass of galaxies moving with a velovity of 20,000 miles per second was
generating a kinetic energy = ½ mv2 and this was balancing the total energy
consumption of the cosmos. Hence they named it Pranavah, which means the body (vapu) or store house of energy (prana).

> *Tat savitur varenyam:*

*Tat*: that (God), *savitur*: the Sun (star), *varenyam*:
worthy of bowing or respect. Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate the specific person. Hence the two titles
(upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify the formless God, Vishvamitra
suggested. He told us that we could know (realize) the unknowable
formless God through known factors, viz., sound Om and light of Suns (stars). A mathematician can solve an equation x2 + y2 = 4; if x = 2; then y can be known and so on. An engineer can measure the width of a river even by
standing at the river bank just by drawing a triangle. So was the scientific
method suggested by Vishwamitra in the mantra in the next portion as under:-

> *Bhargo devasya dheemahi:*
*Bhargo*: the light, *devasya*: of the deity, *dheemahi* : we should meditate. The rishi instructs us to meditate upon the
available form (light of Suns) to discover the formless Creator (God). Also he wants us to do japa of the word Om (this is understood in the Mantra).
This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a great problem to
realize it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that without the grace
of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence Vishwamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under:

> *Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat:*
*Dhiyo*: intellect, *yo*: who, *nah*: we all, *prachodayat*: guide to right direction. O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path.

> *Full scientific interpretation of the Mantra:*

The earth (*bhur*), the planets (*bhuvah*), and the galaxies (*swah*) are moving at a very great velocity, the sound produced is *Om*(the name of formless God). That God (*tat*), who manifests Himself in the form of light of Suns (*savitur*) is worthy of bowing/respect(*varenyam*). We all, therefore, should meditate (*dheemahi*) upon the light (*bhargo*) of that deity (*devasya*) and also do chanting of Om. May He (*yo*) guide in right direction (*prachodayat*) our (*nah*) intellect (*dhiyo*).

We notice that the important points hinted in the mantra
*1. **The total kinetic energy generated by the
movement of galaxies acts as umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to ½ mv2 (Mass of galaxies x velocity2).*

*2. **Realizing the great importance of the syllable Om, the other
later-date religions adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., amen and ameen.*

*3. **The God could be realized through the saguna (gross) upasana
(method), i.e.,*By chanting the name of the Supreme as Om and by meditating upon the light emitted by stars (Suns).*


B.:cheers: A.R.Rahman - Original Score and Best Song:cheers: .

Malayalee born as Dilip, converted to Islam. He started working when he wa 8 to support his family as his father a Malayalam music director died at a very young age.

Thanked God in Tamil by saying \\\"All Praises to one and only God !\\\".

:clap: MALLU'S ROCK !.:clap:

Yeah....nice appreciation...would have been great if it was titled "Indians Rule". Grow up and get over regionalism.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 01:15:48

Great news to Tamilians and Keralites. We finally proved our mettle.
It might come as a surprise to many CD's but I have seen AR Rahman at close range in 1995 in Kamarajar Auditorium when he gave a speech at his school's annual function.
He has won 2 oscars for India.
I am so proud of him but then not so proud when I think that I canot personally share this news to my ex-boss and tell him on his face that we both are from the same town.
It is really a great day for Tamil'ians all across the world.

Peace bt TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 188
Location: Beautiful BritishColumbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 02:01:55

How ironic..
When Bill Maher on the Oscar podium says that God and religion has been the biggest farce in this world.
And A. R. Rahman in his final note says All praises to one and only God.
It can only happen in USA, what a great country!

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." (Nelson Mandela)

Member since: Jul 07
Posts: 469

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 15:48:23

Nothing personally against you Tamilkuravan

But see again we Indians are saying PROUD TO BE TAMILIANS or KERALITES


Thats the difference between US & USA

We start going to state level instead of National

Take care

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 344
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 17:39:29

It's good that in A.R.Rahman's speech he didn't started talking & supporting the LTTE tamil tiger terrorists on Oscar stage as all the people did by blocking the downtown Toronto before 2-3 weeks.

I have seen a lot of Tamils/South Indians being fired or laid-off after that show-up in the downtown. I don't know if this is interrelated but just a thought !!!!!!!!


Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 528

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-02-09 20:47:11


If you have a gun, you can rob a bank.
If you have a bank, you can rob everyone.
- Bill Maher

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