Not sure if this is possible, so asking experts in this forum
My friend is having Basic Road Test ( not highway test ) in Calgary soon
Wondering if any map like google/mapquest shows detail like stop sign, signals, one way/two way roads etc. etc.
As everyone knows mostly Basic test is in residential area & route is mostly near to test centre
So he is already practicing on PROBABLE roads/route near test centre.
Any tips or guidance ?
All the driving instructors know probable routes. Your friend can take a class with them asking them to teach on probable routes. Any map, google, mapquest, or paper map will show one way street with an arrow in one direction. Calgary also has street view on Google maps.
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Let your friend drive around all possible routes within 2 km of the driving centre. That will give very good idea of stop signs, speed limits, etc.
Also Google map gives an option of street view (new addition to Google Canada). Type the address and you will get the "more" option. Get the street view to see 360 view of the address.
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