Confused which course/Government training to do for getting job quickly...

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Member since: Jul 10
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-10 20:07:25

Hello guys,
I am thinking about enrolling for some 4-6month course in Mississauga in a field which will help me getting a job as soon as possible.. I am considering between medical office assisstant/ECE/PSW..I was wondering which course is best for getting job earlier..Also I am willing to do part-time job at grocery stores/malls for earning money for my family and course...I applied at Walmart amd many other places including Tim Hortons Trillium Hospital one...Can someone help me with my condition as I am sole earner of my family with my husband unemployed and 2 children to support...I would be glad to receive your suggestions..Thankyou.

Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-07-10 23:14:55

I have sent pm to you.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-10 09:03:51

Whichever institute, ask them for references of past students and talk to them how they managed to get a job and how difficult was it. Otherwise try to contact the people who are already working in this field and talk to them to try to get a sense of the market. Then you have to decide which will best fit your profile, interest and experience. Get the details of the job profile and what you would do in a typical day and will that be interesting for you. Try to search job sites and look for labour market opinion for the training you are about to enter.

Give free food ||

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-10 09:37:39

Welcome to my Canada. Canada offers a lot of resources for people in your situation. Unfortunately only the local born and educated people exploit / use it.

Some of the suggestions are :

1. Please enroll with the food bank in your area (till you get a job). They will provide you with food which typically will last you for 2-4 months. So food aspect is taken care of.

2. If you are bold, then go to your MP/MPP’s office and ask for assistance. You may take it trivial but they do have a lot of free schemes that are designed to help you

3. If your income in the last year (as seen in your IT return) is low. Say $0- $20000, then you will get free govt. daycare. If it is private daycare, then it will be highly subsidized (as they will get the money from the govt. of Ontario.). You may not need to pay anything or around $ 100 a month or so. With the kids out of the way, you can concentrate on finding a job or explore the various avenues that I have mentioned.

4. Unfortunately, Canada does not offer free housing for people in a situation such as you (but I may be misinformed and other CD’s can help you). So this means that you will still will have to come up with money for rent.

5. Go to any agency (govt.) which helps you to better exploit govt. of Ontario;s schemes. Native borns know this but for us immigrants, it will take decades to learn by ourself.

6. With the same above agency, try to use all govt. schemes. Some of which are CCTB, Universal childcare, HST credit, Ontario handout for poor children (pharaphased), national child supplement. Hopefully this can pay for your housing.

7. There was a scheme once in Kitchener which gave $ 100 a month to help with rent for people in poverty level.
8. Welfare is another option. The only problem with welfare is that you can not sponser your relatives. If you do not plan to do so, then go for it. It will give you around $ 1500 (for 4 people in total) a month. Your child benefits may be deducted dollar for dollar by the govt,. You need not pay back the welfare. You can be both on welfare and food bank. It is allowed by the constitution. For welfare, you should not have more than $ 3000 in your bank account.
Once you are in welfare, all your medicines are free. Also the Govt. will PAY for a approved course for you and your husband to study and be off the welfare soon. This is a great way to upgrade yourself for free.

9. Some agencies will give you free TTC tickets and free childcare to learn English from them (they bill 5X the amount that they spend on you to the govt..) and also to review your resume.

So all is not lost. Hopefuly these options will help you to love Canada much more. The process here is slow and to get all my 9 points running will take you atleast 3 weeks (food bank provides food on the same day).

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 46

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-10 09:55:36

is welfare available to all immigrants or are there any terms and conditions to get that?any time limit to stay in canada to avail welfare.

Member since: Jul 10
Posts: 3

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-10 11:23:29

Thanks for replying my Indian-Canadian friends!!I have applied for many jobs online as well as have dropped my resumes at walmart Zellers Sears and almost many grocery stores..But somehow I came to know that if you have references you get job quickly based on references..but since i am new here I dont have any..What should I do ?Are there any members on this forrum who will be ready to refer me for any grocery/ any jobs?the rest i will manage from attending training sessions to being regular and punctual at workplace..
I would really appreciate if someone can help me out with this.
Thankyou all for replying to my post!

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1484
Location: Convinient

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-07-10 17:01:01

We know its hard to get break through initially . Most of us has gone through these hard phases of life . I yet have to come across someone who has acheived nothing in due course . Later or sooner , everyone finds his way . That is a beauty of Canada .
On the contrary from TK's suggestion , I would suggest you to never bank on FREE MONEY . This will make you lethargic and hopeless . Whereas your struggle for every penny will eventually make you a better person with pride in totality .
It is a good suggestion though to get yourself upgraded if you are laid off .
I will keep an eye on the jobs that are posted .
Hope that helps a little .
Good Luck

Mantra : Be hard working , consistent and Never give up .

Originally posted by KATZUP

Thanks for replying my Indian-Canadian friends!!I have applied for many jobs online as well as have dropped my resumes at walmart Zellers Sears and almost many grocery stores..But somehow I came to know that if you have references you get job quickly based on references..but since i am new here I dont have any..What should I do ?Are there any members on this forrum who will be ready to refer me for any grocery/ any jobs?the rest i will manage from attending training sessions to being regular and punctual at workplace..
I would really appreciate if someone can help me out with this.
Thankyou all for replying to my post!

Growing Old Is Mandatory ..Growing UP is Optional

Contributors: KATZUP(3) gopalpai(2) AshwaniG(2) imwhoever(1) NM(1) rajcanada(1) newcd(1) tamilkuravan(1) r_sorout2004(1) morning_rain(1) VJ(1)

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