I would like to start a Kids nursery cum baby care in Toronto when we relocate there. Is any licence required to start the above at home ?
Hi Kuwait user,
I have seen that several desi people keep other working desi's kids at their home and do not possess a license for that. Normally desi people charge 300 Dollars pm per child for 8 hours of daycare for 20-22 days a month.
Licensed Day care centres charge more than this. You might want to navigate thru http://www.canada.gc.ca" rel="nofollow">LINK or http://www.gov.on.ca" rel="nofollow">LINK to search for further licensing requirements.
I sent you a PM some days ago. Please could you check your mail.
Deal With Reality or Reality Will Deal With You
You can do baby sitting in your house for up to 5 kids without license. However, if you have more than 5 kids, then you need to have a license. For taking a license you have to do E.C.A. (Early childhood assistant) course.
Pramod Chopra
Senior Mortgage Consultant
Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada
Is this legal though keeping 5 kids without a license
Originally posted by kuwaituser
I would like to start a Kids nursery cum baby care in Toronto when we relocate there. Is any licence required to start the above at home ?
Originally posted by Pramod Chopra
You can do baby sitting in your house for up to 5 kids without license. However, if you have more than 5 kids, then you need to have a license. For taking a license you have to do E.C.A. (Early childhood assistant) course.
Originally posted by Americanchai
Originally posted by Pramod Chopra
You can do baby sitting in your house for up to 5 kids without license. However, if you have more than 5 kids, then you need to have a license. For taking a license you have to do E.C.A. (Early childhood assistant) course.
Doing baby sitting with any kid without license is illegal. Even for 5 kids you need to take license which is called home base license. The process for taking this license is minimum. But you need to take license for this.
Home based day care cannot accomodate more than 5 kids...even with license. More than 5 kids required child care facility and to take license for that its requried education and grant from goverment.
Please if you dont know about it, dont guide people.
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