Intercompany Transfer Visa

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Member since: Aug 15
Posts: 82
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-11-15 21:09:58


booradleysmart - I think you should direct your frustation towards millions of Canadians born and raised here, who went to universities in Canada (subsidized by Canadian Tax payers like me) and went on to work in the USA. or probably towards people like Justin Trudeau who would like to spend tax payers money to bring in 25000 Syrian refugees without proper security checks in to Canada while millions of Canadians are out of jobs and homeless

brown_bear -Canadian universities are nowhere subsidised to the extent IIT in India is. Plus Canada is not a poor & developing country like India. Are you sure you even know, what IIT is ?

Perhaps you should direct your frustrations towards the Billions of taxpayers dollars, spent by your beloved Harper in bombing countries like Syria & on war, while millions of Canadians are jobless & homeless, which has contributed to millions of refugees.

You should perhaps see the misery & plight of these refugees, before making your ignorant comments.

A Syrian child & his family, who is on the verge of life & death is anytime welcome in this beautiful country called Canada, than some well off American desi, who wants to use Canada the same way he used India. This dude & his family are not going to die or live in horrible refugee camps if they don't come to Canada, like the Syrian refugee.

Member since: Nov 06
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Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-11-15 22:41:02

Originally posted by booradleysmart


booradleysmart - I think you should direct your frustation towards millions of Canadians born and raised here, who went to universities in Canada (subsidized by Canadian Tax payers like me) and went on to work in the USA. or probably towards people like Justin Trudeau who would like to spend tax payers money to bring in 25000 Syrian refugees without proper security checks in to Canada while millions of Canadians are out of jobs and homeless

brown_bear -Canadian universities are nowhere subsidised to the extent IIT in India is. Plus Canada is not a poor & developing country like India. Are you sure you even know, what IIT is ?

Perhaps you should direct your frustrations towards the Billions of taxpayers dollars, spent by your beloved Harper in bombing countries like Syria & on war, while millions of Canadians are jobless & homeless, which has contributed to millions of refugees.

You should perhaps see the misery & plight of these refugees, before making your ignorant comments.

A Syrian child & his family, who is on the verge of life & death is anytime welcome in this beautiful country called Canada, than some well off American desi, who wants to use Canada the same way he used India. This dude & his family are not going to die or live in horrible refugee camps if they don't come to Canada, like the Syrian refugee.

There are lot of wealthy countries in Middle east like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait who could have taken Syrian Refugees. There is no need to ship them all the way to Canada. Most of them don't like to live in countries like Canada where Gays and Lesbian are treated same as other human biengs. Some of them hate 'infidels' and democracy and prefer shariah over democracy. You can see what happened to Yazidi people in Iraq. or what happened in Paris, Even if 0.1% of the 25000 refugees are ISIS supporters, they can wreak havoc on our country with a terror attack.

I would be very happy if Canadian government finances them to live in a third country like Cambodia just like Australia is doing to the refugees who come to Australia. If the refugees are at a genuine risk and fleeing for thier safety they wouldn't mind living in a different country where they are offered a safe haven

Member since: Aug 15
Posts: 82
Location: permanently banned

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-11-15 23:56:23

Originally posted by brown_bear


There are lot of wealthy countries in Middle east like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait who could have taken Syrian Refugees. There is no need to ship them all the way to Canada. Most of them don't like to live in countries like Canada where Gays and Lesbian are treated same as other human biengs. Some of them hate 'infidels' and democracy and prefer shariah over democracy. You can see what happened to Yazidi people in Iraq. or what happened in Paris, Even if 0.1% of the 25000 refugees are ISIS supporters, they can wreak havoc on our country with a terror attack.

I would be very happy if Canadian government finances them to live in a third country like Cambodia just like Australia is doing to the refugees who come to Australia. If the refugees are at a genuine risk and fleeing for thier safety they wouldn't mind living in a different country where they are offered a safe haven

There are already lot of muslims in Canada like millions of them, should we also deport them to Cambodia because bigots and narrow minded people like you think that 0.1 % of them could be ISIS supporters ..just like you think 0.1 % of the 25,000 Syrians could be ?

Last time I checked Gays and Lesbians don't get a great treatment in a non-muslim country like India either, in fact they are prosecuted over there also and its illegal too. So all Hindus are also bad ? So should we deport 1.3 billion Indians to Cambodia too ?

Plus you are giving an example of a country like Australia, which is full of racist people and convicts from Britain, who raped and murdered the aboriginal people there and now claim it to be their own ? What else did you expect such a racist and bigoted convict country to do ? And you want Canada to follow their example and become like them ?

So if some wealthy ME country doesn't help them, does that mean Canada should also not help them ? Do you even know why these countries became wealthy in the first place, its because idiots in North America are addicted to their ME oil.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 01:42:19

Originally posted by booradleysmart

Originally posted by brown_bear


There are lot of wealthy countries in Middle east like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait who could have taken Syrian Refugees. There is no need to ship them all the way to Canada. Most of them don't like to live in countries like Canada where Gays and Lesbian are treated same as other human biengs. Some of them hate 'infidels' and democracy and prefer shariah over democracy. You can see what happened to Yazidi people in Iraq. or what happened in Paris, Even if 0.1% of the 25000 refugees are ISIS supporters, they can wreak havoc on our country with a terror attack.

I would be very happy if Canadian government finances them to live in a third country like Cambodia just like Australia is doing to the refugees who come to Australia. If the refugees are at a genuine risk and fleeing for thier safety they wouldn't mind living in a different country where they are offered a safe haven

There are already lot of muslims in Canada like millions of them, should we also deport them to Cambodia because bigots and narrow minded people like you think that 0.1 % of them could be ISIS supporters ..just like you think 0.1 % of the 25,000 Syrians could be ?

Last time I checked Gays and Lesbians don't get a great treatment in a non-muslim country like India either, in fact they are prosecuted over there also and its illegal too. So all Hindus are also bad ? So should we deport 1.3 billion Indians to Cambodia too ?

Plus you are giving an example of a country like Australia, which is full of racist people and convicts from Britain, who raped and murdered the aboriginal people there and now claim it to be their own ? What else did you expect such a racist and bigoted convict country to do ? And you want Canada to follow their example and become like them ?

So if some wealthy ME country doesn't help them, does that mean Canada should also not help them ? Do you even know why these countries became wealthy in the first place, its because idiots in North America are addicted to their ME oil.

First off not all Muslims in Canada are a threat. Most of them follow moderate version of Sunni Islam while some of them like Ahamadiyyas and Shia Ismailis moved here escape the persecution from Wahabbi Religious fanatics . They also have the same fear as I have.

If Australia and Britain are such a racist places when why do people all over the world want to immigrate there? Also going by your logic every skilled immigrant to Canada who got subsidized education in his country has cheated his home country. As for Syrian refugees, ISIS clearly mentioned they would attack western countries and 'infidel's by coming as refugees. If that is not good enough threat - one should be a fool.

Liberals have proved once again that they just care about the votes and are ready to sacrifice the security of the country. Not long ago Jean Chrétien bent over backwards to get Ahmed Khadr (the patriach of the Khadr family many members of which had extensive contacts with Al-Qaeda ) who was arrested by Pakistan released. What did Ahmed Khader do? he went back to his old ways back to Pakistan and was actively supporting Alqaeda.

By the way if you dont want to help the OP, you dont have to. You dont need to give moral lectures to others.

Member since: Aug 15
Posts: 82
Location: permanently banned

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 10:25:10


First off not all Muslims in Canada are a threat. Most of them follow moderate version of Sunni Islam while some of them like Ahamadiyyas and Shia Ismailis moved here escape the persecution from Wahabbi Religious fanatics . They also have the same fear as I have.

If Australia and Britain are such a racist places when why do people all over the world want to immigrate there? Also going by your logic every skilled immigrant to Canada who got subsidized education in his country has cheated his home country. As for Syrian refugees, ISIS clearly mentioned they would attack western countries and 'infidel's by coming as refugees. If that is not good enough threat - one should be a fool.

Liberals have proved once again that they just care about the votes and are ready to sacrifice the security of the country. Not long ago Jean Chrétien bent over backwards to get Ahmed Khadr (the patriach of the Khadr family many members of which had extensive contacts with Al-Qaeda ) who was arrested by Pakistan released. What did Ahmed Khader do? he went back to his old ways back to Pakistan and was actively supporting Alqaeda.

By the way if you dont want to help the OP, you dont have to. You dont need to give moral lectures to others.

Exactly NOT all muslims in Canada are a threat, thanks for making my point. But by your stupid logic 0.1 % of them could be, so we should deport them to Cambodia, just like not all of the 25,000 Syrian refugees but 0.1 % of them could be, so lets deport all of them to Cambodia.

Its really foolish of you to think people all over the world want to immigrate to Australia & Britain. You think 1.3 Billion Indians want to move there ? 1.4 Billion Chinese want to move there ? Only desperate & poor people, who have no prospects in their home country want to move there and are willing to even tolerate racism for that. Just because some move there, doesn't mean racism doesn't exist there. These are 2 mutually exclusive events, don't confuse them.

Its not logic, its a fact that every skilled immigrant to Canada who has got higly subsidised education from poor & developing countries like India & have done absolutely nothing for their home country, are using & cheating the home country.

BTW, if you want to help a well off American desi (OP) & his wife to just use Canada for legal status, feel free to do so , I am looking out for the Canadian tax payers. Atleast I have morals to give moral lectures, unfortunately you don't.

Member since: May 15
Posts: 202
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 11:53:30

Originally posted by agarwalpeeyush2007.fb

Hi, I got a work permit approved to work in Canada under Intercompany Transter, and hence my wife also got her open work permit approved as a dependent to me.

I currently live and work in US and I no longer plan to work in Canada, but since my wife has got this open work permit valid for 3 years, can she work in Canada without me being there?

If it requires I can enter canada once with her to validate our work permits. Please help, very urgent.

As of now You only got the Work Visa.. but actual work permit you ll get when you enter Canada and that time immigration officer ll ask, why are you entering canada.. who is your employer and manager and many more qs. what ever information you give ll be stored in the system and if they find any of these information wrong, this could ruin your chances in US as well.
They can also call your employer/manager to cross check.

As a matter of fact you can not use your work visa as visitor visa.
In short, Don't do anything stupid which you already know is not right.

Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 942

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-12-15 18:58:43

Originally posted by agarwalpeeyush2007.fb

Hi, I got a work permit approved to work in Canada under Intercompany Transter, and hence my wife also got her open work permit approved as a dependent to me.

I currently live and work in US and I no longer plan to work in Canada, but since my wife has got this open work permit valid for 3 years, can she work in Canada without me being there?

If it requires I can enter canada once with her to validate our work permits. Please help, very urgent.

-- One of the requirements for the open work permit for the spouse is that you and your spouse should physically reside in Canada.

See this link:

and read this section:

5.38. Public policy, competitiveness and economy R205(c)(ii)

You can always call CIC to confirm.

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