Leaving full time job for full time school

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Member since: Nov 12
Posts: 3
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-12 18:54:41

I am doing part-time MBA in one of the reputed GTA business schools. I am also working full time. I have two options now.

(1) Continuing my current job which means it will be end of 2013 by the time I finish my MBA.

(2) Leave my job and go to school for full time MBA for winter semester and then switch back to part-time in summer . By this route, I will finish my MBA in Aug 2013. I can then start my job search that match my current skills without capitalising on my MBA degree. So that I do not have to survive without any income hopefully for a long time.

As of now, option 2 sounds more desirable personally as I am having a tough time at my job. It pays OK, but it is very boring and I have to drag myself to work everyday. My performance isn't that great and is hurting me mentally and physically.

On flip side, there is some job security involved even with my mediocre performance. Going full time means leaving a secure job and treading into world of unknown. The economy is not doing that well and not sure how it will be next year. The job scenario for engineers is not that great in GTA. The reason for doing MBA was more about switching careers (engineering --> finance preferably) rather than advancing in my current field, as there isn't much scope for MBA in my field of work. Also, there is a lots of competition even among MBAs and the degree seems to have lost its shine.

I have enough savings to pay for my school fees and help me survive for next 4 months. After that, it means withdrawing from RRSP or using line of credit - the last resort. I am single - so no spousal support.

Also, age is not on my side. I am in my early 40s.

I don't mind moving to Alberta once I am done with my studies, as demand for engineers still seem to be existent. So I can fall back on my undergrad degree and experience for survival.

Any point of view/similar experience to share?

Member since: Mar 11
Posts: 969

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-12 11:07:48

If you are gaining only 4 months by switching to full time then in my opinion quitting job is not worth it...
So for gain of 4 months you will:
1) Quit your job which is paying you good thereby loosing the income for over a yeat
2) You will be spending your savings. (double loss)
3) You are uncertain how long it will take to get new job.

I think you can overcome the mental issues with the current job by thinking about the bright future ahead and treating this as a temporary phase. I am not too sure how you can get over the physical stress, as it depends a lot on commute, your physical conditions, nature of work, work-out etc.

By keeping the current job till it lasts while managing part time MBA you will not find yourself in a desperate situation at the end of MBA.

Hope this makes sense.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-12 12:30:05

I agree with the above poster. In my opinion, carry on with your current arrangements, i.e. full time job with part time studies. This will make sure you have a steady flow of monies coming your way each month.

Moreover, who knows you might get promoted in your current place of work after your MBA is done. If this materializes, you won't even have to find another job and gain a valuable experience post MBA.

All the best! Stick to your current job. There's nothing like money flowing in every month in this day and age of recessions, job cuts, and what not.

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-12 14:18:50

The answer for you lies in following questions :

Can you afford to go full time study without a job in hand ? do you have any liabilities like mortgage . Are you the only earning member in family ? do you have dependents ?

once you have cleared with above question, consider following.

Is your current job related with your MBA studies ? is there promotion prospect after MBA? the fact that you are dragging yourself to work, my guess will be 'no' ,
In case after MBA you ar sure it will be fresh start of a career, I 'll suggest go full time study, make relevant contacts, do internship, attend seminars and campus interviews. There is no point continuing with the current job. Go into the main stream full throttle , you wo'nt regret the decision.

Btw, its my perosnal viewpoint, purely , that I suspect your attitude towards work which will remain same even after MBA. If you are not performing well intentionally on current job and have no sense of professional prestige, I am sorry this will not go well in future as well. Work on your attitude.
Also remember 'reference' is important fact of job market and you are not doing well in that department.

15 years into industry and dealing with human resources, my observation is that a good employee remains good in all kind of work, even when entirely demotivated.

Member since: May 10
Posts: 274

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-11-12 22:31:57

Gosh.... This sure is some post....

What I gathered - you are pursuing an MBA - the value of which you do not have nor you see.....

You are employed in an engineering job - which bores you and where you are not
progressing.... There is however some stability in this job....

You wish to leave this job for the MBA.... And then you hope to find a job in engineering eventually....If you don't get a job with the MBA....

So.... You surely don't want what you have....

Member since: Mar 11
Posts: 969

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-11-12 11:45:03

mid-life crisis?

Member since: Nov 12
Posts: 3
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-11-12 13:06:09

Originally posted by bhootnath

mid-life crisis?

Exactly!. Engineering was never my career of choice, and I don't see any future, esp in Canadian economy and the way industry is structured.

Thanks for all the input. I know that retaining my current job is the most rationale approach, but it is coming at the expense of my physical and mental well being. Never knew low self-esteem and job dissatisfaction can affect your physiological well being too. Seems that I will have to tug out at least for one more year.

Another problem is that my mortgage is due for renewal next year. So if I quit my current job, I have to find a job before the due date.


..... , that I suspect your attitude towards work which will remain same even after MBA. If you are not performing well intentionally on current job and have no sense of professional prestige, I am sorry this will not go well in future as well. Work on your attitude. Also remember 'reference' is important fact of job market and you are not doing well in that department.

15 years into industry and dealing with human resources, my observation is that a good employee remains good in all kind of work, even when entirely demotivated.

I tend to disagree a bit on this point as I know about my performance in past. My current job is a compromise - to do something rather than being on EI. I know that I am associating my self-worth to a greater degree to the kind of work I do.

I still have a month and half to make a decision. Will let you guys know.


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