Keep Visiting GF with me for two years till I can sponsor her. Suggestions?

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Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-14 13:25:36


I'm a PR but I cannot renew my PR card for the next two years due to not fulfilling the requirement of physically being in Canada for 2 years out of 5. I just got back to Canada from being in the Philippines for 4 years but my girlfriend who I met in Philippines came with me. Long story short, I can't sponsor her as common-law or marriage for a minimum of 2 years.

She applied as a visitor and didn't mention anything about me but rather mentioned her aunt who lives in Mississauga who is inviting her to stay. She got approved for multiple re-entry till 2018 as visitor.

Her initial 6 months will come to an end next week. We were thinking of extending her visit visa but due to financial issues in bank account we might not be able to do that. So the only remaining option is for her to leave Canada before her 6 months expire.

But here is what I have in mind, please let me know what you guys think.
Option A:
(Assuming everything goes well)
She goes to PH, finishes TOEFL, gets acceptance letter (if you know any colleges in Toronto, please let me know) and re-enters Canada as a student on a two year program and stays here till I am ready to submit my sponsorship papers for her.

This whole process also relies on financial backing, and also might take 3-4 months.

Option B:

She returns to Canada after 2 months using her visitor visa and stays for another 6 months (or however long the immigration officer at the airport allows)

But if she gets rejected for student permit, she might not be able to re-enter on her visitor visa either. :(

Please suggest me how I can have her stay here with me for two years. Also, if you know any colleges that can do installment payments, etc and flexible for a 2 year course, please let me know.

Thank you so much!

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-14 18:33:05

Originally posted by Yourname


I'm a PR but I cannot renew my PR card for the next two years due to not fulfilling the requirement of physically being in Canada for 2 years out of 5. I just got back to Canada from being in the Philippines for 4 years but my girlfriend who I met in Philippines came with me. Long story short, I can't sponsor her as common-law or marriage for a minimum of 2 years.

She applied as a visitor and didn't mention anything about me but rather mentioned her aunt who lives in Mississauga who is inviting her to stay. She got approved for multiple re-entry till 2018 as visitor.

Her initial 6 months will come to an end next week. We were thinking of extending her visit visa but due to financial issues in bank account we might not be able to do that. So the only remaining option is for her to leave Canada before her 6 months expire.

But here is what I have in mind, please let me know what you guys think.
Option A:
(Assuming everything goes well)
She goes to PH, finishes TOEFL, gets acceptance letter (if you know any colleges in Toronto, please let me know) and re-enters Canada as a student on a two year program and stays here till I am ready to submit my sponsorship papers for her.

This whole process also relies on financial backing, and also might take 3-4 months.

Option B:

She returns to Canada after 2 months using her visitor visa and stays for another 6 months (or however long the immigration officer at the airport allows)

But if she gets rejected for student permit, she might not be able to re-enter on her visitor visa either. :(

Please suggest me how I can have her stay here with me for two years. Also, if you know any colleges that can do installment payments, etc and flexible for a 2 year course, please let me know.

Thank you so much!


If her Aunt will back her for VISA extention, she can stay for the next SIX months here, being here on a multiple entry visitor's visa. Why wait till the very last week?? You should have applied before six weeks or more. I don't know about the return ticket part and if she has to fly out in a week.

TOEFL depends upon how well you have got her ready for the exam.

Any foreign student will need about 50K to 60K for TWO YEARS study. She will need it at the PH end in the bank. Entry depends on the support at that end.

Two year diploma courses are there for her. She can also work 20 hours per week to supplement the income. Cannot suggest nor advice, so, go and see a Vocational Guidance Councillor in one of the colleges very close to where you live and get the course load and the scholarship details etc., from him/her at that location. (Before she leaves Canada)


Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-05-14 18:03:54

Full House,

Your advice helped us take our next steps - so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help.

Here's what we did.
She left before her six month status expired. She has been in Philippines for the past two months.

Plan is for her to return here in the next few days and stay here for the next six months hopefully. Then, before the expiration of her status, she goes back to the Philippines and applies for a student visa with $40,000 in her bank (PH is ok with $40,000 apparently). During the application of her student visa, she does a dual intent declaration about me and then we cross fingers and see if she gets the student visa.

My question now is about her re-entry as visitor.

1) Will she need to go through the whole bank statement thing before she comes back?
2) Do you think there's a chance she won't get an "exit date stamp" on her passport while means she can stay for the full six months?
3) What kind of questions will they be asking? Anything to do with deep questioning on purpose?
4) Can she just say "here to look for schools but also visit my aunt and boyfriend"
5) When she mentions the "boyfriend", will they look deeper and ask "when you came here the last time, you mentioned your aunt and nothing about your boyfriend, why not?" ... what's the best way to field this?

Thanks again!!

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-14 01:01:37

As a student, she gets her student visa and it enables her to stay here till she completes her courses successfully. She needs to show the financial support or the proof of funds. She has to complete her IELTS also. She will need an admission into a college or an University and get ACCEPTED for a course that she loves studying. She will have to have excellent health. Also any support from the family here will enhance her chances.

You are her BF and she is free to join you after she gets in. There is no need to show any other intent at this stage. she is free to carry on with her life any way it pleases her. That will be a better situation now or later on, after she takes up her studies.

Most of the Colleges and the Universities are already FULL for the start of next year(2014) So, you will have to try hard to get a seat. As I said in the above paragraph, she needs IELTS., ETC., to get in as a student. She does not have the above set of requirements yet. So, she is just a visitor, she is free to get into Canada and enjoy her stay here. She can attempt to complete her IELTS while she is visiting you here. That is O.K.

1) She can NEVER get a student Visa, till she gets ACCEPTED and has the pre requisites to get in.
2) Any visitor gets to stay here in Canada if s/he can show the help and support for his/her stay here for the duration of stay. The entry visa is for SIX months. With Multiple entry the visa can be renewed if needed. Get an OPEN return ticket the next time.
3) What is the purpose of her visit? How long she is staying/ (SIX MONTHS) The address and the place where she will be staying. How many dollars she is carrying on/with her? OR Anything to declare? like booze, smokes, cash etc.,
4) Aunt YES. Leave the rest of it out.
5) Keep yourself out of the picture as long as you can. Do not give unnecessary information which will get her into problems at the Canada Border Security Check Point.

You settle down and get your PR first. Renew your PR card as soon as you get a chance to complete the requirements. After that you will have a good chance to get married. Till such a time, you be her BF.


Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-14 09:52:11

You might have mistaken my first question. I meant to ask when we book her a ticket to return in the next week or two, she will be coming on her visit visa. So when she's at the YYZ airport when she arrives, will she need to show bank statements? I ask this because she had to show bank statements back in August 2013 when she originally applied for her multiple re-entry visitor visa from the Philippines.

Regarding the question #2, when people come into the airport, the CBSA has the option to stamp or not stamp the passport. When they don't stamp, the visitor can stay till the 6 months. But when he does stamp, he writes a date on the stamp - and this is the date the visitor should leave by. Sometimes they stamp it one month, or 5 months. So given the case that she left Canada in March, and is returning back after 2 months as a visitor, I was asking if you think they will let her in for the 6 month period or will they stamp her to leave earlier than the 6 month period. :)

For #4. When she initially applied for the multiple re-entry visitor visa back in August 2013, she said she has been invited by her aunt for Christmas holidays. But she arrived in last week of September and left in March which shows that she was here longer than originally intended. So now that she's been out of Canada for two months, and again returns saying she wants to visit the same aunt that she visited six months ago, would that be cause for concern to the CBSA guy? That's why I mentioned looking for schools part...

About my PR, yes that's the plan. I have to wait till 2016 before I can apply to renew my card. But this whole student visa thing is to keep he here with me till then. :)

Thanks so much again FullHouse.

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-14 10:37:53

Originally posted by Yourname

You might have mistaken my first question. I meant to ask when we book her a ticket to return in the next week or two, she will be coming on her visit visa. So when she's at the YYZ airport when she arrives, will she need to show bank statements? I ask this because she had to show bank statements back in August 2013 when she originally applied for her multiple re-entry visitor visa from the Philippines.

Regarding the question #2, when people come into the airport, the CBSA has the option to stamp or not stamp the passport. When they don't stamp, the visitor can stay till the 6 months. But when he does stamp, he writes a date on the stamp - and this is the date the visitor should leave by. Sometimes they stamp it one month, or 5 months. So given the case that she left Canada in March, and is returning back after 2 months as a visitor, I was asking if you think they will let her in for the 6 month period or will they stamp her to leave earlier than the 6 month period. :)

For #4. When she initially applied for the multiple re-entry visitor visa back in August 2013, she said she has been invited by her aunt for Christmas holidays. But she arrived in last week of September and left in March which shows that she was here longer than originally intended. So now that she's been out of Canada for two months, and again returns saying she wants to visit the same aunt that she visited six months ago, would that be cause for concern to the CBSA guy? That's why I mentioned looking for schools part...

About my PR, yes that's the plan. I have to wait till 2016 before I can apply to renew my card. But this whole student visa thing is to keep he here with me till then. :)

Thanks so much again FullHouse.


I like your style of writing. But it takes me two days to understand what it is that you are saying. Just to give you an idea as to what you are saying here...For all of us who are on this CD website, she is VISITING. But for you she is returning. Because you are madly in love with her and she will be in your arms. So, for you she is returning. (She is not a Canadian yet)

And as a requirement to enter CANADA and ask the Canadian High Commission for a visitor's visa, she has to show all kinds of ties to the country there, where she lives and family ties are most important one and proof of funds etc., etc., So, prepare herself well for the Visa. Also get an invitation letter from her Aunt. That will help her again.
You keep yourself out of it.

If I were the CBSA agent there when the plane lands here, I will give her SIX months stay. I cannot speak for the guy at the gate. You take your chances. They always stamp the date of entry. That gives her SIX months if it does not specify when she has to leave. With multiple entry visa, you normally get to stay here for Six months with that visa. Renew it before it expires. Also have an open ticket, just in case it works out in her favour.

It is good to go back within the time alloted in that visa. Not overstaying makes it look good and when you ask for the visa a second time they will say to themselves, YES she has returned back. It helps her in her travel history. Might also enable to get a second Visitor's Visa with multiple entry too.

Support from her Aunt and a letter of invitation once again will surely help her. Looking for the schools and colleges and Universities etc., can be done after she lands here. That will not help much when applying or when she is in front of rthe CBSA Officer. That is not sufficient grounds to grant a VISA into Canada. You do all of that over the web or over the phone or directly with the institutions that you want to study in.


Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-05-14 12:37:26

Haha, my apologies, I'm typing all this on my phone and the CD website is hard to keep in place while typing...

So if you _were_ the CBSA agent who saw that the first time ever she came into canada as a visitor was in september, and then before 6 months ended, she left the country. She did not overstay. And then you see that she left Canada in march 2014 and now she is looking to come back in canada in june 2014 to see the same aunt from before - you will be ok with it?

I'm going to stay out of everything:)

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