Dear friends,
Is it necessary that each schools going kids should hVe his own ipad or laptop ! My kids will go to grades 9, 6 and 4 inshAllah. I have only one laptop at home. Would it be sufficient to meet their academic needs or I need to have more. My point is that if such devices remain under extensive use of the kids for their assignments, then i should buy some from here and carry along while going. I have noticed that in Canada prices are little higher. Please advise as I am going on Aug 11 th to canada. Thanks
No, it's not necessary at all. One laptop should be more than enough.
Thanks febpreet, is it true that if needed schools provide iPads and laptops to kids !
You will need minimum 2. One for yourself and wife and atleast one for the kids.
Once they come to Canada, they will find that internet is one favourite past time and also to research for school projects.
Yes. there are internet research stations at schools (school time only and not even on weekends or holidays) and also at public libraries.
It is cheaper and better to buy it in Canada and so come with an open mind.
Murali The Krishna
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Thanks TK, so I need one more. But guys who have landed recently say that it's costly there, I should bring it from Saudi !
Better buy it from Canada. It is safe. You can return it (for a limited period, if you donot like it). Warrenty will be there. It will be marginally costly.
Buy it here and have peace of mind.
If you have second hand from Saudi, bring it here. Otherwise buy it from here.
Donot buy new one from Saudi and bring it here.
Murali The Krishna !
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Alright TK, wil so as said, cheers
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